Saturday 27 October 2012

☞ Ed Gein Dreams Of Jeanie ( WARNING!! WARNING!!! DOLL BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!) ☜

                                          Front Door, with Police Evidence Tape

                                             Kitchen area, Stove and Grill

                                                      Stove, Pie and Table set for dinner.

                                                                           Meat Pie

                                                             The Larder

                                                                   Kitchen Storage

                                                            Evidence of Butchery

                                                                   Hand and gore

                                                      Sunny Side Up!

                                                   Stove, pans and body parts

Barbie Burger

Bloody Scalp with Grey Matter

Rubbish Bins, with Blood Stains.

Vintage Ideal Doll Copyright 1974 Made in Hong Kong Drinks And Wets

Just bought this little girl, I have been looking for her for years, I had one of these as well as a Teeny Tiny Tears doll when I was small, and I loved them both so much, I have no idea what happened to either of them, but I have been trying to replace them both for about 10 years now! The problem is the doll has to be "Just right" I can't just say "Well it's a Tiny Tear" and opt for the older and Larger one, or get a brown haired one or something like that, it has to be exactly as I remember her or I just won't be able to love her in the same way!

Well yesterday I mailed a lovely seller on Ebay who had a famosa baby for sale, she looked similar but not quite, so I asked her some questions...while I discovered her doll is not the one I've been searching for (it was bigger too) her reply did prompt me to keep trying different keywords until I found something like her or at least some info on who is is and who made her...I got lucky - Very Lucky!

I found her... for $1.99!!
This works out to approx £1.24. The postage was $12.60, (approx £7.83).

Here's the writeup and photos from the listing:

This auction is for an Ideal Baby Doll that drinks and wets. She is in good condition free of any damage but could use a good bath. She is marked on her back. She measures approx. 6-1/2" long.

 Mine had on the exact same Romper Suit, so I'm sure it is the original outfit she was sold in!

 Even though her body parts are moulded all in one, it didn't distract at all and I remember her having an almost skin-like feel to her,

Here's another listing I found, I almost bid on this one, until I found my one on a buy it now...BUY IT NOW FOR £1.24??! 

Ideal Baby Doll is about 6.5 inches tall. It is called Baby Baby.
She had a bottle that is made of hard plastic and is square at the top of the nipple.

When inserted into her mouth and pushed slightly, her cheeks pull in a little like she is sucking the bottle. 
Then if you turn the bottle when it is slightly pushed in, her eyes will close.She is from 1974.
 Markings on her back read B-6-B-52 

Mouth is open and looks like she is a drink and wet doll. Head does move side to side.
 Arms and legs are fixed and do not move. She is in a cute blue romper

I don't actually remember her being a "wetting" doll, but the thing I absolutely adored about her was that her cheeks went in as you pressed the bottle in and it looked like she really was drinking, I had forgotten about the "eye close function" but since reading it, I have remembered it so vividly.

I'm so looking forward to her arrival, from America, it'll be at least a week, but still, that doesn't matter, it's not like I haven't already waited a while so an extra week is nothing.

I'm looking forward to washing her and getting her back as close to how mine was when I last held her, I think the hair is made of the kind of ylon that Frizzes with age and then stays like that forever, or at least until a re-root happens, but I don't care, I have no plans to re root either unless on closer inspection it really is bad, but I'll just have to wait and see for that one.

I'll have to see if the Baby Born Bottles I have here are a fit for her, but ultimately I'd like to get a couple of those clear ones with pink teets and a "milk" coloured liquid in them that looked so real, that I used to feed her and Tiny Tears with.

Oh wow I've just remembered I called my Tiny Tears Tina ...Now if only I could remember the name I gave to this one too!

The plan is to get the Teeny Tiny Tears soon, so they can both snuggle up together like my little ones used to...Fingers crossed!

Brynamman Angels

The following images were made for my Final Show, as part of my Fine Art Degree in 2004...

(This post was originally uploaded to My Site On Multiply on: 1st January 2009  at 3:38 pm , It has been revised for this blog post. )

The Angel image has personal significance for me, due in part to the inspiration coming from a monument in a graveyard near my home.

200 years ago The Black Mountain was the site of a quarry, it’s sluice was named Y Gwter Fawr. The workers came from all over England and Wales, bringing their families with them and a settlement grew up at the bottom of the mountain. This settlement took on the name of the sluice, and in time became a village. Sometime around 1845, it became known as Brynamman.

Gibea Chapel, Upper Brynamman has 2 graveyards, they contain the graves of many families connected to the quarry. The evidence of their labour is still visible on the mountain and in the original parts of the village.

Gibea Chapel
Through these photos and by placing myself inside them, as a Modern-day Angel figure;  I attempted to re-connect to the forgotten history of the village and the legacy left by those hard working men and women, who laid the foundations of I village I now live in.

My dress was designed and hand sewn by myself, I styled it to resemble the dress the Angel Monument wears.

The above image is my "Ultimate favourite" the original image was captured on Illford Black and White 40mm film. I always use Illord as I love the "grainy quality" it brings to the image.

 Using a computer program  I took the Black and white image and changed it into a negative image of the original photo. After that I saved the negative effect and added a "Fire-Light" effect over the top. I then altered the saturation and contrast.

Stamped onto my back using 100 Year Old Printer's Gothic Script letter stamps, borrowed from a Printer's Archive Storage.

Of all the rolls of film I posed for that day, this image really stands out for me. It seems to encapsulate all that I wanted to express, and yet do so in such a diffused way that I can't quite put my finger on to verbalise the words. I think it is the most Ethereal of all the images.

The above images, and two below, where all taken in varies parts of the Black Mountain itself, the sites of these photographs, I chose for their Historical significance in the forming of what would become the Village of Brynamman.

 After the show, I was looking at these images again and started to see myself (The Angel Image) headless! I thought it might give a certain poignancy , like I experience when I enter a Victorian Graveyard and see beautiful memorials, in stages of ruin and at times, headless angels themselves, so I manipulated the image.

 I thought it worked really well and so I used the same computer software to manipulate this photo into a headless Angel, and then give it "age" by changing the visual effect to Sepia tones.

                                                               Angel, Quarry Road.

This time I decided to experiment with the image using "Fire-Light" effect, and then alter the saturation.

Friday 26 October 2012

❉ Dollcena ❉ Chrissy Pressies for Aaron...shhhh!! ❉

Dec 15, '08 11:35 PM
for everyone

(N.B. All photo's are taken from the Ebay Listings)

Dandy Pumpkin Great Dollcena from Tomy, based on Jack Skeleton from the Tim Burton classic "Nightmare Before Christmas" Film. 

Add caption
The doll (to be honest, I can't work out if it's male or female!) comes in a "Jack Skeleton" ish costume with a hint of "Beetlejuice", has a Jack Skeleton mask and her/his own little "Zero" pet dog!

This photo gives you a much better look at the outfit, mask and Zero.

Tomy Dollcena "What is Christmas?" another Jack Skeleton inspired Dollcena, this one has been dressed to resemble the part of the film when Jack Skeleton dresses up as Santa Claus ("Sandy Claws") and tries to have a Christmas of his own by delivering presents throughout Christmas Town.

Again, I cannot tell if the doll is supposed to be male or female, but he/she does have awesome colour hair!

No little "extras" inside the box at all this time..

Tomy Dollcena "Best Friend Cowboy" Doll, I think there may have been a copyright issue with the use of the name "Woody" but not oddly his image, as it appears on the box!

Also included are a felt "Cowboy hat" and a small piggy bank style "Hammy", who as you most likely know is one of the leading characters in the films.

I'm pleased to report that Aaron was well happy with these new editions and arranged and re-arranged them on his shelf (which is now getting too small!) Along side his other Dollcenas, Mini-Pullips and Little Apple dolls!
 Woot for me I made a doll collector out of him... He's now after the Treasure Hunt "Pirate" Blythe Petite...after seeing the video I uploaded ... I guess that serves me right!!

B.t.w, Tomy produced one other Dollcena in the "Nightmare Before Christmas" Range; "Sally"  named "Pure Patchwork" I think she is quite sweet, but I knew Aaron much preferred the other two in the series, so I didn't bother myself with buying her, I think now that prehaps I should, so he will have the full set as it were...Hmmm

 She comes in a cute little "patchwork" print dress, similar to the one Sally wears in the film, and has a little handbag as an "extra" although as this is shaped and printed to resemble Jack Skeleton's head, maybe that should read Head-Bag!?  The bag has a beaded handle, she also comes with a purple scarf decorated with black polka dots, I have to say I have no idea where they got the idea for that item! 

Images of Pure Patchwork Dollcena, taken from - Sadly his item is currently out of stock on that site.

Sketchbook Gallery - Alien Series

"Greyachnophobia" - Pen & Ink Sketch

Copy of Etching from Eat Static E.P - Pen & Ink Sketch

"GreyKat" - Pencil Sketch

"We're Watching You!" - Pencil Sketch

"Festival Time" - Pencil, Pen & Ink Sketch

"Alien in Profile" - Acrylic Paint

"Wind Dragon Ride" - Acrylic Paint

"Going Home" - Acrylic Paint

Close Up of Alien In craft - 'Going Home'

                                                Part of Alien Landscape (Tongue and Eye Plants)

"Exploitation" one of several from my Doll Art Series - 2003

Turning the tables on and protesting against the use of animals in cosmetic experiments...

Dr.Katz, has placed Shelly in a metal vice, her face and torso are scarred by burns from the chemicals housed in the cannisters on the right. An electrode has been placed in her brain and can be seen on the outside of her head.

Blood from countless experiments seeps through the cracks in the paintwork.

Dr. Katz's work is observed by a rat, ladybird and a spider-cow.

A human skull lies discarded in the left corner of the room, it glows in the dark due to the radiation, it was subjected to when once part of a a living being.

                      position of spider-cow altered after this photo was taken...see other photos.

The work is housed in an MDF box.

The vice is made out of a rescued piece of metal and ceramic work, thrown away by one of my college classmates.

The ladybird and spider-cow (possibly a cake-decoration) were found in the street, while I was out "Street Combing"!

Shelly has electrodes planted in her head ... just like those cats in the pictures of experiments that haunted my dreams and gave me nightmares when I was small.