Wednesday 3 June 2020

Krampus - Funko Pop! Holidays number 14

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time it'll probably come as no surprise when I tell you that I've always had a bit of a thing for the idea and image of Krampus.

I've always been into folklore and mythology, not only from the British Isles, but Nordic, Scandinavian, Germanic, Greek, Egyptian, Roman and American amongst others. 

 I love reading about old beliefs, old Gods, Goddesses and customs from around the world, there is something so rich and appealing about these old traditions and even more so when they are still practised to some extent today.

Grüße von Krampus

So when I discovered Krampus, I was fascinated by the idea of him, the customs that surround him and the fact that he is still part of Christmas traditions in Central Europe and that every year he puts in an appearance as part of the Christmas celebrations and processions or runs across these regions. 

 He even has his own night known as Krampusnacht which takes place on 5th December.

I recently watched a documentary on these "runs" called Greetings from Krampus on Amazon Prime, it was made in conjunction with The Austrian Film Commission and explains the origins and traditions of The Christmas Devil much better than I can here, so is well worth the watch for that reason alone.

Here's the trailer so you can get the feel of it...  It's in German, and the subtitles don't work in an other language, but if you watch it on Amazon you'll have no problem with watching it with subtitles in other languages...

Due to weird changes in Blogger, I haven't been able to upload the video direct from youtube but if you'd like to watch it there and give the uploader (Thimfilm Filmverleih) their dues, here's the link:

I loved this documentary, I found it quite inspiring and now have plans to make a Krampus style doll, as well as more experiments with painting and sketching variations of him. 

It has also inspired me to make a point of one day take a Christmas holiday and attend one of these parades, hopefully I'll have a mug of cocoa and a ginger biscuit in my hands as I do!

Anyhoo, time to show off my adorable little man...

As you can see he really is a handsome little devil, and as per tradition he is wearing chains. There isn't that much of interest to the design of the box, unless you are curious to know what the pattern in the red areas is.

When you turn the box around and look at the back of it, you can see what the pattern is... It's taken from a vintage Greetings Card which looks, judging from the art style, to be from the 1800's. 

Here's a copy of the original, which being colour shows the details in the image a lot better than the black lines against the grungy red colour shown on his box...

He's just so cute, I love his little curly horns, his swooshy tongue and his little cloven hooves, in fact everything about him is adorable.

He is holding a switch of birch branches that he uses to hit naughty boys with.

When I turned him around I discovered his "secret" ... He's found a very naughty boy to cart off to gawd knows where and be punished for not listening to his parents throughout the year.

Just look at this naughty little person trying desperately to escape from Krampus' basket - he's got no chance! 😂

Since getting my hands on this little guy a year or so ago, I've noticed there are a few more variants Funko released... This one is my favourite though so I'm more than happy with him.

If you chose to get one for yourself, I'm sure you'll feel the same way too!

Well, that's it for now - check out that documentary if you get the chance, I cannot recommend it enough.

Stay safe, keep those hands washed, wear a mask and keep away from stupid people!



The Incredibles 2 Interactive Edna Doll by Thinkways Toys.

I watched the first Incredibles film with my son when it came out because he was in the age bracket and wanted to see it and while I found it quite an ok film, I can't say I really remember much about it.

I'm afraid the second film completely passed me by, in fact I didn't even realise there was a second film until a year ago.

By the time it was released in 2018 my son was no longer 9 years old and no longer interested in these characters, being 23 by then and as he wasn't particularly impressed by the first film, he had no interest in it's sequel so I never bothered watching it either.

That said, you're probably asking yourself why the heck I'm writing a post about a character who appeared in these films and why I happen to own not only a toy from the franchise but an interactive toy to boot?

Well, it was kind of an accident, as I mentioned I hadn't paid attention to the film so had no idea that there were new characters in it, so it wasn't something I set out to get my hands on...

I was doing my usual, nosing around on Ebay which normally consists of something catching my eye and then seeing what else the seller is offering. So there I was minding my own, having a little nosey through a seller's listings and then I spotted this very quirky looking lady who really appealed to me... I placed a bid and a few days later, she moved in.

The first thing that struck me was just how big and heavy this doll is...

She stands around 14 inches tall and has a very "chunky" aesthetic, she is articulated at the shoulders, which allows her arms to be moved up and down and outstretch sideways, backwards or straight ahead. Her head, however, only moves from side to side.

Listing Photo.

Her wrists are articulated in such a way that her arms can be turned 360 degrees and up and down, but her hands are moulded in such a way that they cannot grip or move out of the pose they are in - her right is open palmed with her index finger pointing, while the left is moulded into a "thumbs up" gesture. 

As her feet are also an odd shape and look like they have been put in on the wrong sides, she isn't able to stand up by herself  which is a little annoying as she is quite heavy and bulky to hold.                           .

Listing Photo.

Her clothes are made from a thick felt material which opens up at the back, held in place by Velcro.

The style is really quite boring for someone who'd supposed to be a fashion designer! I know this is movie perfect but it's still a weird choice. 

Her Glasses cannot be removed from her head which is fine as she looks much better with them over her eyes anyway. 

The lens portion is made from magnifying plastic so when they are lifted away from her face her eyes look a lot smaller; this doesn't make her look less quirky, but to my mind she looks much cuter when they enlarge her eyes.

As for the interactive bit, well her box told me she has over 55 sayings in her original voice and that she is able to respond to your voice and answer back.

Unfortunately I don't have her "Chat List" which she originally came with so I'm unable to explore this feature fully. I did email Thinkway Toys asking for a copy, so maybe I'll be able to try this feature out soon.

I replaced her batteries and tried her in both test and play modes but again, without the "Chat List" I cannot really say whether this is a cool function or not and as I hinted at earlier, this wasn't the reason I bought her anyway.

The above video depicts my first interactions with her, spoiler alert it got a bit frightening!

Also Roxy got scared too and decided to shout at her, so sorry about that!

I had planned to customise her or take her apart and use bits of her to make another doll, but since handling her I've changed my mind a bit and am not not really sure what I'm going to do with her.

While I was getting to know the doll, I couldn't help wondering if she had been modelled on a real person, her look was vaguely reminiscent of someone I've seen on my travels in Art History.

 I kept thinking black and white photos, 1930's so I did a little research and discovered this little titbit...

Many people seem to think that Edna was based on Edith Head; an amazingly talented costume designer who was responsible for many of the most iconic outfits seen on the silver screen during Hollywood's Golden Age of the 1930's - of course there are many similarities between the two in terms of surface looks, but I personally believe she is actually an amalgamation of several iconic women.

Also, Edith Head was such an iconic and talented woman who's career spanned 44 years and designed some of the most beautiful gowns and outfits I've ever seen, that I feel it wouldn't do her justice to talk about her her as a footnote to a Disney Pixar character so I will be writing a separate post where I can go into more detail and show you the gorgeous things this woman brought to life soon.

So I'll leave it to you to make up your own mind if Edna is secretly Edith... And in the mean time I'm going to go and tweak some other posts I'm in the middle of writing...

Take care, stay safe, keep washing your hands and don't go outside without a mask.

