Friday 13 October 2023

Ghostbusters Hot Dog Munching Slimer - Funko Pop! Movies Number 747

As I mentioned in my last post, Slimer was my favourite character from the original Ghostbusters film, still is if truth be told. His introduction in the film was cute, funny, gross and weird... 

Whereas the Librarian ghost looks normal and then gets scary when tying to get visitors to be quiet, here was a creature that didn't look remotely human, or act in a normal way, bright green mind you, like a giant wrinkly bogey and stuffing it's face with hotdogs it's stealing from a cart in a hotel hallway.

That image of Slimer always stuck with me and I'd draw it often.

Of course, I had Buckley's of getting a toy version back in the 1980's and 1990's and to be honest, I never thought there would ever be one...

Until after I'd bought my first Funko Pop! Movies Slimer, blimey almost 10 years ago now, being happy with him and not really being a Funko person, I never thought of keeping an eye on their range. So it came as a complete surprise when I was nosing around Amazon a couple of years back, for Metal themed figures and I happened to find this...

My dream Slimer!!

Of course I bought him straight away, and now I am the proud owner of two Slimers!

In terms of differences between the two, they are the same size (around 4 and a half inches) They weigh around the same in your hand, but there may be a slight weight difference.

But I was pleasantly surprised to discover, they didn't just use the same mould and stuff a few hotdogs in his mouth, they really put some thought into it. 

The Hotdog version isn't as wide as the original version as he is in the process of filling his face so his hands are busy around his face ad not in the outstretched about to slime pose of the first figure.

The slime bases are different too, the hotdog version has thicker strands of slime, more of them and the overall shape is narrower than the original version.

 His facial expression is different too, he clearly needs to concentrate on munching and so his brow is more expressive in the newer version, he is a shade or two darker too.

Out of the two, I don't have a favourite, I love them both for different reasons and I'm really pleased to not only finally have a Slimer, but now have two Slimers depicting my favourite scenes from Ghostbusters, which I must admit is also still one of my favourite films.

Well, take care all,
Speak soon,
Herbs x

Ghostbusters Slimer - Funko Pop! Movies Number 108

Being an 80's child I like most of my peers really got into the Ghostbusters craze when the first film was released in cinemas in 1984, of course my brother Carl and I hassled my parents to take us to the cinema to see it. 

Going to Walthamstow Cinema was always a huge treat not only because we were going to watch a film but because the building itself was so magical to me as a child.

It was only a 10 minute walk from my house but in those days it felt like an adventure as we had to go along the main road which was always scary but after a few minutes there we were in front of the huge building, having been built in the 1930's it was decorated inside with what I later learnt to be Art Deco designs.

Alfred Hitchcock who grew up in nearby Leytonstone (where I used to go to the Swimming Pool with my friends every week) was a regular visitor to Walthamstow Cinema as a boy, I like to think this is where his love of films originated and what drove his desire to make iconic films in later years.

As usual I've digressed but if you'd like to read a little more about the place; there was a recent push to save and restore it which you can read about here, and of course the link above which talks more about the history of the place.
Slimer was my favourite character in the film, of course, what 8 year old wouldn't be impressed by a bright green blob that loves to eat and when interrupted, covers the offender with gooey ectoplasm?

 I have to say though, I never did understand his need to eat, what with being dead and all, or why he looked the way he did, but he was cute and funny and he let Peter Venkmen have it after being called an "ugly spud" so he was great in my book! 

As for toys, well back then, I don't remember any on sale, or I would certainly have begged for a Slimer! We didn't have the crazy amounts of merchandising we do now, also being an American film, merchandise would have needed to be imported so most shops didn't do that unless they knew they could shift the stock.

 It wasn't until or 3 years later, after The Real Ghostbusters Cartoon became a hit, that I started to see Ghostbusters toys in shops. 
I had a few of those, Peter, Ray, Winston, Egon and a few ghosts... Mr. Staypuff, Granny, Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster but sadly, no Slimer. In case you're wondering, yes I still have them! 

It wasn't until the 90s when Extreme Ghostbusters came out that I finally found a Slimer and bought it for my son as he loved him as much as I did.

So, when Funko released their Funko Pop! Ghostbusters range in 2014, and I saw their version of Slimer, I had to have one, it took me several years before I managed to find one but when I did, he was worth the wait...

Isn't he the cutest?!

  I love how they've moulded the slime in such a way that it gives him a stand but also makes him look like he's floating, like he does in the film.

I love that the slime looks wet even though it isn't and that they haven't over done it, there's just enough to look like it's dripped off him and formed a puddle on the floor but not so much that the figure loses detail.

In case you're wondering, he stands at around 3 and a half inches tall, that doesn't sound like much but he certainly feels substantial in your hand, and is balanced very well weight wise, so never tumbles over while on display.

Several years after this figure came out, I managed too find this one, he didn't come with is box but that's ok, I wanted to put him on my shelf so I could look at him often anyway.

If you've read any of my previous Funko posts, you'll know that although i have a few, I'm not that enamoured by most of them. I find the human figures mostly non descript which is why my collection mostly consists of non human entries, except for my Bob Ross keyring, which I'll maybe get around to showing you someday and my Grady Twins which I've already posted about.

Anyhoo, that's it for now, I have another Slimer to show you, so I better leave off here and post about that one... 

Take care,
Herbs x