Saturday 28 June 2008

The Story of Stella....

Thought I'd share the story of how I got my latest shelled person with y'all... 

 Her name's Mr.Stella A'tuin and she's a rescue I got her from a Sanctuary the other side of the Country lol some journey that was to go and pick her up! anyway she came to be there 'cos Bonfire Night some horrible human decided to tie her to a Firework and see what would happen...

lucky for her she kept her head and legs in her shell, and that the rocket didn't have enough oomph in it to lift her although in some ways this was a bad thing as when it exploded it was sitting on top of her so the tremors went right through her body and she suffered burn damage to her evil is that?

I'm told she's kinda famous as her story was told T.V and the sanctuary did ask if I'd be willing to have a film crew come and record her rehoming!

Anyway, here she is enjoying her new home!

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