Thursday 6 November 2008

1971 Chatty Cathy - For adoption - well she was, I'm not so sure now!!

Face is slightly lighter than body, and has weird mark on left cheek...kinda looks like when some-one crys while wearing foundation and you get them tear-tracks if u get me!

This doll has no markings on her body but there are several number/letter codes under her hair... at the back of her head (right side under hair) it reads chatty then underneath 971 and then after a gap another 1.
She has a few missing hair plugs at the back but these are hardly noticeable  unless you are searching about like I was lol
Her legs are swingy but I think this is due to her side being split from too much laughing!!


  1. Please check out each pic' for full description of defects.

  2. I have never seen one of these before. With all the doll shows I have attended over the years. Do you know if they were made in the US?

  3. Hi Cabbagemom...thanks for looking on my site and for your comment...unfortunately I don't have an answer for your question as I have only been able to find out a few things about this run of Chatty Cathy which I've already posted on John's pic' :( sorry I can't be of much help to you xxx
