Thursday 1 January 2009

Miscellanious paintings


  1. I recognise her, my mammy had tina on her wall at one time

  2. Very eclectic taste in art work Herbs, but excellent paintings. You're very good.

  3. Are these yours?? they are very good.Your very talented.

  4. i especially like this one,it has a very art deco feel

  5. lol yes Alyx...All my own work lol... cluttering up my home as I speak!!
    oh and thankies *blush*

  6. Lol Shari, If you think my artwork's wanna see my music collection and my wardrobe lol I was out and about the other day, caught a glimpse of myself in a shop window and realised I'm a Goth/Hippy lol sometimes I'm even a Goth/Hippy/Emo/Punk!!!!

  7. Thanks Alyx...I know what you mean I get that vibe from her too!
    The image was originally painted on a shop front in Carnaby Street, London in the 1960s...the title of the piece "Granny Takes A Trip" is the name of the store it was painted on.....I'm pretty sure it has since been painted over :( as last time I went to London I had to take my son to Carnaby Street ( for the whole history of Punk lesson, he didn't realise he was having!) and I didn't see it :(

  8. I know it was a very bad and wrong thing to do but that gnome was sending me mental...always laughing at me while I made a cup of paintbrush attack and who's laughing now a? lol
