Monday 18 May 2009

Rubber Donald Duck - Update!

You may remember from a couple of posts ack, I'd got my hands on an adorable Vintage Donald Duck Bendy toy? Well...

I decided to restore him...first I had to find a rubber friendly way of fixing the cracks in the rubber and sealing it so it won't re-crack...

Then I gave him a paint job in Acrylic Paint ... I tried to make the colours as close to the original colours as I could mix *Grin*

I noticed a few things about him during this process...firstly he has made in Malaysia on his back.

Under his tail you can just make out the copyright symbol and the words Walt Disney Productions.

There is a date just above this but the numbers are so worn I can't read them  :(

Still never mind here he is ... my restored Donald....Wooohoooo!

The pic's are a bit hazy tho' as they were taken on my crappy little mobile phone!

But I think you may be able to guess, I'm very pleased with the result and have decided to show him off in my Dolly Collector Group as well as for my Flickr Friends!

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