Wednesday 10 June 2009

Interesting L.B.E Stuff I found 31st May 2009

I Found this on a website yesterday, along with the other LBE pic's here...

Side panel doll pic's look very similar to Blythe so I have emailed the site and requested information ..will update this as soon as I hear from them. LBE Box ( New Dolls?)

Appears to be orig' run marketing but not too sure...hmmmm

Original Packaging.

Flickr Comments:

nico the neko says: 
Verrry interesting...
Honestly I certainly do hope they re-release them.

Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: too...esp' if they have pull strings *grin* not sure if I want them to be so Blythe tho' I think they're cuteness was half to do with the fact they were different...also not sure how this will work out as I read that Takara was the reason for them being discontinued - they had a major hissy fit as they said the dolls were too Blythe -like (after they bought the rights to Blythe) and said it was a copyright infringement apparently .... hmmm... curious a?!

This set was Favorited on Flickr, but unfortunately it had to be removed from my photostream as the images are not my own, and so doesn't adhere to flickr guidelines :( sucky

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