Saturday 6 June 2009

Soul Sister Doll

Susie Sad Eyes Black Version...taken from my flickr wishlist...Flickr have complained about me uploading content which is from the internet etc so I'm blogging the lot!!

Anyhoo, here's the comments this pic received...

Frenchi*Bean says: Oh I want one!! She is soo cute!! ; }Posted 4 weeks ago.

Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: Yes me too...only they're so rare...  :(    Still a girl can dream a?

Oooh I have an Idea... *** Actually, I've been thinking, I could possibly make one, if I can get hold of another Susie Sad Eyes... No way am I using my little girl!

Perhaps I'll find one that has issues and then I wouldn't feel too idiotic if it doesn't turn out right!


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