Tuesday 19 January 2010

☮ Unloved, Unwanted And Only 20p! ☮

I was doing my usual rooting about in the local Charity shop, when I discovered this Kitsch "Musical" Bunny, I think he was made in the 1970's and he looks so unhappy  that I couldn't leave him, better still he only cost me 20p!!

He was stuck at the bottom of a basket looking all unloved and depressed, so big softie that I am, I couldn't leave him, so I had to rescue him, only when I got him home I was looking him over and I thought to myself "why?"!

As I was checking him over, I discovered that his musical base was a bit iffy so I took it apart for a better look and ... wooot... Herbie-Magic!!

I wound him up set him off guess what? ... I fell in love!!

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