Tuesday 23 October 2012

Birthday Pressies from Jules on Dolls More Dolls - Gifts from Jules -2009

Original post 20th June 2009 - 11:22 PM

"Hello Ducky"

Dunno what he says to you but he informed me he was a sailor so I guess he'll be getting his seafaring togs when I come home from my trip to the sea side!
He may even turn out to be a pirate...ya never know!
1980's "Honey" Keypers (2nd Series) by Tonka Toys

These little guys were ace I remember having one when I was small *grin*
Aww little thumb sucker!

I had one of these too...I'd forgotten how much I missed her until I held this little one...and yay punk pink knitted pants too...so cool!
Oooh Wow...Look who I got??

lol...this crazy lot are going to sit in my front room on my new shelves that my Dad's putting up for me!!

Thank's so much Jules...they're just great!


  1. Okay, I know you probably won't see this after so much time, but on the off chance that you do... I absolutely fell on my butt in LOVE/LUST with your little gang in the photos and have been haunted by them for days now! Are they a custom set, or something I might, if VERY lucky, find some day on ebay? Is there a maker's mark or name I might search by?? Seriously, they remind me so much of my close pack of friends when I was still young, & didn't have grandkids & grey hairs! (Back then it was turquoise and 28 inches of mohawk-cut glory! You wouldn't believe the money I spent on hair gels and spray! LOL) If I were better at sculpting, and of course if I had any free time to try it, I'd have a go at reproducing them, but they're so perfect as is...
    Oh, I do so hope you see this and have some help for me to find a set like yours! I know, it's been nearly 15 years since this posting, but a girl, well a granny, can still hope!
    Loving your blog BTW. I've spent several hours reading through them and they're fantastic!

  2. Surprise!!!

    Hi Robin,
    Thank you for your kind words about my blog, I really should get back to posting but I just haven't had the time.. I enjoyed reading about you and your friends too, you sound like my kind of people!
    I can't believe it's been 15 years since I posted about these prezzies, that's crazy! As for my Punks well they've been in storage for several years now, and I don't know where they are to lay my hands on to be able to answer your questions.
    I don't remember any maker's marks or I'm sure I would have mentioned it in this post. They are made of resin and have feathers for hair.
    To be honest I'd be happy to part with them, if I could just locate them.
    Hugs, Herbs x
