Wednesday 31 October 2012

Hmm I have an idea ...

For the last couple of years I've been thinking I'd like to make a list each year of the silly amount  of books I've read that year.

I've also thought an annual review of them all might be in order too, the only problem with doing that is the length of time it would take to write the reviews, unless of course I choose the top 20 out of those I have read, certainly no more than 20 if it's for review purposes  or I'll still be writing it by the time I've started my next years' reading!

I guess this is something I'll have to think about for a while longer yet!

I do have one I am supposed to be writing soon, for a Vegan, Gluten Free Recipe EBook, I should definitely sort that out soon, the trouble is these days I'm so forgetful, hense my telling the blogsphere, I should do this - the hope is I'll have my mind jogged by this post and get on with it!

Anyway, if you have any suggestions  I'm happy to hear them!


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