Thursday 25 October 2012

My Kurhn Dolls...

The first time I came across Kurhn dolls was in 2008, when I was rummaging through the dolly section of my local Charity shop and found this girl... at the time I had no idea what type of doll she was, and thought she must be some kind of very pretty clone! I bought her for 20p and posted for help in Dolls More Dolls on Multiply, but I got no answers, it wasn't until I posted her to Flickr that I found out, and within a month or two, I found an ebay auction for 2 others (1 bald Angel Kurhn, 1 partially re-rooted standard Kurhn with factory paint removed from her face, 2 bags of Nylon doll hair and a small volks head with red eyes, from a Seller in Italy!) I was the only bidder and managed to get them really cheap!  I blogged about them a few posts back... see quick links on right.

She came to me in this outfit, I'm not sure if it is her original one but the shoes and dress fit her so well it seems very likely it is.

I followed up my original post with this:

Here's the other two, I borrowed the photos and write ups from my Flickr Photostream:

Kurhn Re-Root in Kanekalon

One of 2 Kurhn's I got for re-rooting...this one had traces of this colour hair in the plug holes ... which I was pretty gutted the seller removed it in the first place...anyhoo I re-rooted it with Kanekalon which gives it a big effect!

I'm not sure if I want to finish the job and give her eyes tho' as I kinda like her like this!

She's finally finished!

Well I finally bowed to pressure and started work on her... I was going to go all "Day of the Dead" on her face only when I started to paint her eyes they came out a sexy shade of green!!
So here she is re-rooted and with a normal face-up too!

Kurhn Re-root in Auburn Redwood Saran

Hmmm...not sure if I should paint her eyebrows to match tho' ... they look a little blue right now :-S
N.B... I left her like this in the end, I realised I really like how she looks and didn't want to change a thing!

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