Sunday 21 October 2012

Rowan Atkinson - What a nice man!!

Towards the end of 2008, my Son Aaron was hospitalized to have replacement surgery done on one of his skin grafts. During this time I happened to notice an announcement that Rowan Atkinson was set to play Fagin in Lionel Bart's Oliver at The Drury Lane theatre in London's West End.

Him being a massive Rowan Atkinson fan, and us bot being theatre buffs, we really wanted to go and see it...and my very cool parents decided that as a treat for Aaron after a month of being bed-bound in a Hospital ward, they'll book 2 tickets and a coach seats for us to go and see it!

The dates we got turned out to be very close to Aaron's birthday in May and luckily before Rowan Atkinson's decision / announcement that he was no longer going to be able to perform in the role.

We loved the show and of course Rowan's performance in particular (who doesn't love Fagin?)

When we got home Aaron decided he really had to write to Rowan Atkinson and tell him how muc it meant to him to see his performance...

 I'm pleased to say that, that letter Aaron wrote to his hero Rowan Atkinson after seeing him in Oliver in May didn't fall on deaf ears..

On the morning of  25th July, 2009 Aaron recieved a letter in the post ...he took it into his room to open it  and I heard him "Omg...OMG!!" loudly from the other room ...

Next thing he's behind me and thrusting this Autograph under my nose with a big grin on his face!!

Love that Rowan Atkinson...what a great guy!

He obviously has no way of knowing how happy he's made my Son and how much it meant to him, that he took the time to sign this...

Aaron told me those pic's were being sold for £5 and £15 for a large one in the Gift Shop ( we kinda got separated on the way out and I never even saw a Gift Shop...went out the side door and had to phone Aaron to find out where he was, so he got to have a nose about at all the goodies! lol)

anyhoo...When I told him, I would have bought him one if he'd have asked ... silly sausage says "well I thought it was a lot of money so I didn't ask" (bless) Then added "Don't matter anyway now 'cos I got one hahahahaha"

I have been forced to find a frame and it of course now has "Pride of place" in Aaron's room!

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