Sunday 4 November 2012

Orange & Citrus Zesty Shortbread Biscuits.

Here's a recipe of my own invention, I came up with these little edibles on 11th October 2010, after I promised Duckula (Aaron's rat) that I'd make her some biscuits to cheer her up and went into my kitchen to raid the cupboards and see what I could invent...

These very more-ish (vegan) bite-sized little biscuits were the result.

And you'll be pleased to know Duckie-Boos was very happy with them too!

The ingredients are very basic, cupboard staples, so it was easy enough to gather things together without having to run out to the shops for "extras".

They are Vegan (as this is a Vegan Household!) but you can use whatever you have lying around, I suspect that other types of marge etc would alter the flavour slightly...

              (You could also substitute Lemon or Lime for the orange if you've run out.)

In case you what to try them yourself... Here's my recipe:

Orange & Citrus Zesty Shortbread Biscuits.

150g Plain Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 large Orange
2 tsp Sunflower Margarine
1 tsp Natural Lemon Extract
50g Sugar

Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius (Fan assisted) and place dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl, grate the zest of the entire orange into the dry ingredients.

When de-zested, halve and squeeze.

Make a well in the dry ingredients and add the lemon extract, margarine & orange juice & pulp.

Combine ingredients using your hands until you have a work-able dough, then roll out to about a 1/4 inch thickness and cut into shapes.

Lightly grease baking trays and place approx 1 inch apart, bake in centre of oven for 10 - 15 mins.

When lightly brown, remove from oven and leave to cool on trays for around 3 mins before transferring to a wire rack to cool.

When completely cool, prise out of Aaron's fingers and place in an air-tight tin & hide tin from Aaron!!

If you give my recipe a go...let me know how it went *Grin*

*btw I never measure when I'm cooking so all weights are approx) oh and this recipe made around 50 but then my Halloween cutters are really tiny!*

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