Sunday 2 December 2012

Bargain Dollshouse ...

I Saw this outside the local bookshop, in Glanamman when I went to Ammanford (while doing the Vet run and shopping)on November 2010, it had a sign stating it was £25 on it....

As I'd gotten a lift with Mum who was going to the vet's I didn't think I had a chance to call in before the store closed on my way home...

So I had a brainwave I went to the local newspaper office & got the number, spoke to one of the owner's who told me she was reducing it to £20 as it was the last one and they wanted it sold quick...

She said they'd wait in the shop for me to call in on my way home, providing I got there by 6pm.

They told me the shop would look closed up for the night, so I should just push the door open on my way home...long story short we lost mum in Ammanford, who told me to ring her ... after leaving her mobile at home and then she went off with the car (and our chinchilla) to a store that I said I wasn't going near so we had to walk miles to find her!

Anyhoo, Aaron tracked her down, and we got some groceries...I loaded up the car thinking "oh sh*t how's that dolls house gonna fit in around all this!"

Did I mention we also had a cat, chinchilla and a dog with us, so room inside the car was very scarce...and Mum's car's a tiny little fiesta...but anyway, by the time we'd got everything, ourselves and the dog walked and in... we ending up leaving Ammanford at 6pm :(

And it's a good 10 min drive if you're lucky ... which thankfully, I was as the kindly old couple knew I may be a little late and waited for me to turn up, they even helped Aaron get it in the boot!

Anyway it's 3.9 ft wide, 3 ft high and has a depth of just under 1 ft... it came with 2 staircases, and a load of pre-pressed pieces, some long strips of skirting & coving and a box containing the 2 chimney pots, magnets, screws, clips etc...

Now all we need is the time to do it...seeing as we are awaiting the arrival of our other dolls house kit (gonna be spooky guys!) to arrive from China!!

It's absolutely huge! The facade is going to look great once we get going on it, I just wish I had plenty of time  (weeks) to make a start. I'm still not 100% sure if we are going for a Georgian house with era appropriate furnishings or a spookier type deal, I had an idea that I could do each floor a different era or turn them into maisonette that's been converted into flats and furnish them all differently, best not to make a start until I'm sure, I'd hate to get it almost finished, spend loads of time and money on furnishing it, then decide I'd have been much happier if I'd decorated it differently inside!

Sneak preview of centre floor areas, obviously this is going to e the hallway and landing areas, but will it lead up to an attic floor? Hmm the jury's still out on that one too! I do love the idea of a dusty dolly-attic though with loads of forgotten treasures spilling out of tea crates, I may have to do that.

The pile of stuff inside are facing, coving and staircases, I'll show you a close up in a few minutes...

Unfortunately the roof is stuck on tight, at present anyway, but I may take the front off and attach magnets, so I can have my attic without loosing valuable floor space from the lower floors. I could even turn it into an extra bedroom, if it was a real Georgian House this area would be Servant's quarters...

Apart from the staircases and coving, it also can with a small box of bits (two chimneys in there too) and facings for windows and doors, and some other things I am unsure of but I'm hoping to work it out as I go along!

There's the 2 chimneys, hinges for the front of the house and several other connectors...

                                                      Here's those staircases again!

There's door frames, window frames, skirting boards, and Quion stones for the outside facade all still sealed inside their packages. I've still not worked out what the rest of them are for yet!

Spooky Dolls House Project ... also still a work in progress!

Btw, the "spooky house arrived, some time ago now, and I started work on that one. I've decorated it inside and out, but as I haven't been able to work out the scale of it... it's smaller than 1:24 but less than 1;48, so everything will have to be handmade to go in there...but I'm not going to let you in on what it's theme is'll have to wait for an update on that one...and this one too!

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