Wednesday 5 December 2012

Childhood Memories

In the mid 70's, when I was a toddler I was always playing with my Fisher Price Chatter Telephone and wheeling my Tip Toe Turtle also by Fisher Price around with me.
My Tip Toe obsession got so bad that I even wheeled him onto the tarmac to board the plane bound for Benidorm; a very popular destination for English holiday makers at the time.

Still I got to meet the American pilot prior to the flight, I remember arguing with him as he said he "liked my turtle" and I defiantly told him it was a "tortoise", he wouldn't have it, neither would I.


I learnt that day that "turtle" was American for "tortoise" or at least the pilot gave me that impression, "That's what we call them back home" he told me.

My reply was "In England it's tortoise, so he's a tortoise" .

That sounds pretty bad now I type it - I sound like a right little sod.

But it honestly wasn't as bad as it sounds he was smiling throughout the conversation and even conceded by saying "Well then Little Lady, I like your tortoise"!

Turns out he was right, Tip Toe was a turtle but then what did I know? I was only two at the time!

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