Thursday 6 December 2012

McDonald's Flashback App'

Facebook have a cool app, or at least they did a while back, it's quite an easy way to age photo's if you don't have access or know how to use Photoshop and are unsure which online photo editor to go for..

While you're hanging out on facebook you could give this app' a go:

Photo's edited - 14 November 2011 via McDonald’s Flashback App


You just have to choose which time period you'd like to age your photo's to, upload or chose a photo from your Albums and press the start button, and you end up with images like these...

Above 2 photo's were aged to resemble photographs (left to right) from 1916 and 1955 respectively and the ones below were aged to look like 1899 and 1900 photographs (again left to right), I have to say I'm a massive fan of this kind of app' but sadly when I discovered this one, I didn't really have time enough to explore it thoroughly, perhaps another time I will go back and try again..


Ah well sorry to say, I've just double checked on Facebook and nope for some reason this app' is now unavailable :(

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