Wednesday 6 February 2013

Asian Beauty - 1990's Totsy Doll Custom

A couple of years back I was browsing Ebay with nothing really in mind for a purchase, when I saw a listing for a dark skinned Totsy Clone Doll for sale.

She had short curled hair that hung in large curls but for some reason I got an Asian vibe from her while looking at her listing photo - I kept seeing her as an East Asian Lady in a Sari - and was so happy when I won her at auction so I could start  working on her and help her become the doll I imagined she could be.

Thankfully she arrived very quickly, but I was so excited and impatient to start working on her that I forgot to take a "Before" photo of her "duh!", so sadly I don't have one to compare her to, unless I can find her listing photo saved on one of the many discs I have in the study, I guess I'll have to upload that another time, when and if I find it, no matter though, here's what I did to her...

First I gave her a full re-root and new hair style, then I set to work giving her some touch up work to the painted "eye shadow" around her eyes. Then I sorted out her crazy looking eyebrows, gave her a Bindi and began researching saris for ideas on what kind of outfit I should make for her.

In the end I opted for a sari from Barbie Dolls of the World Magazine, I was planning to make my own but decided against it at the last minute when I saw this one going cheap!

It isn't as intricate as the one I was planning to make for her, but after doing a lot of research on different types of saris and how to tie them etc.

I really couldn't decide exactly how I wanted it to look and also I wanted to get her finished quickly so I could move onto my next "Dolly Project". especially as I had already finished everything else I wanted to do to her, so I got impatient!

I may get around to designing another one for her one day, but for now I'm happy for her to wear this one as I think it does sit her very well, it certainly fits her nicely and the golden colour really brings out her skin tone, so maybe I won't!

Anyhoo, hope you like her or that she inspires you to make something similar for your own collection...


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