Thursday 20 March 2014

Links to my Websites & Squidoo Pages

Hi Y'all,

Thought I'd drop you a couple of lines to let you know what to expect from these pages...I have loads of photos on here which I've arranged in separate folders so you're gonna have to keep scrolling down if you want to see everything...sorry about that...just trying to be easier on the eyes lol

The links page is just as bad I'm afraid as I have stuff all over the internet lol but if you're after something specific like my artwork...check out my can find the address on the links page - for my doll collection site and then follow the links from the title page...alternatively you can try these! - This link will take you directly to the title page of my online gallery....or if you wish to see doll based artwork go to sorry about all the annoying pop ups it's a free hosting domain so unfortunately I can't do anything about them :( guess I'll have to work on moving these sites soon...keep ya posted!

My writing is available on Squidoo - Lots of facts, figures and survival tips on surviving a lightning strike. - step by step guide on how to survive a Zombie Attack!! - short essay on why you should read Terry Pratchett's Discworld series! - short essay on how the yBa changed our perception of what we think of as art!
More coming soon!!

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