Saturday 8 March 2014

Mimiwoo Collection Anthropomorphic "Albu" Doberman Pinscher doll

Once again I have been unable to:

1) stop myself from nosing around Mimiwoo's website & Ebay pages and
2) Buying more dolls!

Here's one of my latest "must-haves" from Mimiwoo webshop... she arrived this morning, and yes I'm in love yet again!

Albu is a custom made Hujoo doll, the designed by Mimi Collection and sold exclusively through the website and Ebay store, I fell for the brown skinned version, but as my son really likes the white skin; he has ideas for me to make him an Ooak it looks like I'll also be buying one in that tone soon too!

The doll is made of ABS Plastic and comes without a face up in a choice of either brown or white skin tone.

As this is a Hujoo doll, it is ball jointed and is strung throughout which aids movement and gives very good pose-ability for play or display.

 Albu takes size 14mm eyes, when placed they do not display the whites of the eyes or very little so it's worth thinking about investing in some whiteless or large pupil eyes for your doll.

Like Freya Hujoo by Junkyspot, Mimi Collection's Albu also has an attachable tail which comes with 2 magnets for fixing them onto her.

 Albu is quite heavy when compared to the weight of my other Hujoo dolls (Sauve baby, Wings, First Wave female, Nana Rabi & Freya) I think this is due to her body shape being a lot wider than all the other Hujoos I own, in fact everything about this doll is much chunkier, she's also the tallest of my Hujoos.

 Albu's body is very similar in style to an "Azone body" but similar in others to other Hujoo dolls as well!

This certainly makes it far easier to find clothing for her and also gives her a more "natural" (human body-shape) with or with out clothing.

In terms of movement, the knee and elbow joints movement is closer to the Azone body's, whereas the shoulder, hip, wrist and ankle joints all move in the same way as any of my other Hujoo dolls.

                                                        Body Info:

Height:  28cm (1:6 Scale)
Head Size:  6 - 7 Inch (Wig Size)
Skin Colours available: Brown or WHite.
Eyes: 14mm
Shoulder Width: 6.8cm
Arm Length: 8cm.
Chest Width: 12cm.
Waist: 10.5cm.
Hips: 14cm.
Legs: 11cm.
Foot Size: 3.5cm x 1.8cm.

The photos I've used in this post were found on Mimi Collection Website as I have only had enough time to unpack my new baby and tell you about her so no photos as ye... not even her own name!

Anyhoo, I'm sure you're now itching to get your hands on one too now, so here's a link to Mimi Collection's Hujoo Albu page, so you can chose your colour: Mimi's Albu Page

The above photo was also found on Mimi's website, I had to include it here as she looks so adorable. If it belongs to you, please let me know so I can credit you, thanks x



  1. Hi there,
    So glad to see someone else with this doll. This is my first time getting in to bjd collecting. This is my second one and I'm a bit worried that there aren't any pictures or owners of him that I've found online. Regardless I love him but I've noticed that it is hard to find for boy bjds. Any advice?
    I wish I could show you pictures of mine.

  2. Hi J,
    I'm so pleased you had a great first time experience I'm sure you'll soon notice they're addictive though!
    Mine seems to be a little girl or at least a boy who like wearing dresses!
    As for photos you'll find quite a few on Flickr, here's a link:
    I think there may even be a group or two for other owners, it's worth checking out or google image search using the keywords Hujoo Albu and you'll find quite a few there too.
    Sorry but you seem to have missed out a word in your request for help...Did you mean clothing for boys?
    Also, do you have your own social media page? If so you could show me your pic's on there :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog, hugs, Herbs x

  3. Yes, that's what I meant, clothing for boys. I actually have and art page and just put up an image of my two.
    Still have to do a face up for them.

  4. Oh you have a nano Freya too?!
    They look adorable together.
    I bought my Freya when they first came out so she is the larger size one, but I have on many occasions been tempted by the nano white, in fact it's on my "get list" they're just too cute! Anyhoo, your question... hmmm The problem with Freya & Albu is the paws, that makes a lot of clothing choices unsuitable. If you sew yourself it's so much easier, but if not for Albu try Yosd sized clothes, some Ken sized T-shirts may work too, maybe those christmas tree jumper style ornaments, for trousers my guess is if you don't make your own or buy Yosd Clothes, then possibly Ken shorts would work. My Nano Rabbi is wearing a romper suit that was made for Tommy dolls so some of his clothing should fit your Nano. Sorry I'm not much help right now, but I tell you what I'll do, I have to go out later so I might not get time today but if you don't mind waiting a couple of days... I'll do a fashion show with my Nano Rabbi and Albu which may give you some ideas. Take Care, Herbs x

  5. Really! Oh thanks so much, that would be great to see. Please no rush.

  6. Hey there,
    It's been a little bit. You're most likely busy. I just wanted to show you the progress of my Hujoo Albu Bolin.

  7. Hi J Louisa,
    He's looking awesome, it didn't cross my mind to make my Albu male, but it really suits either way!
    I'm so sorry I've had so many setbacks since we last spoke, I went through my doll clothes and annoyingly I don't have many for male dolls and even less in the right size but I'll cobble something together soon and let you know - promise!
    Herbs x

  8. I’m so glad to see my Hujoo Bergamote here :)) caromaya

  9. Hi Caromaya,
    Thank you, I'm so glad you didn't mind me using your photo.
    Bergamote is such a beautiful girl I couldn't resist!
    Herbs x
