Saturday 19 April 2014

🍎 Death Note Amane Misa - Icy Doll by Arker 🍎

In 2014 I started writing this Post about a my /Icy doll. I wasn't too interested in them when they came out I find then a little plain faced and not very pretty.

But then I discovered the Misa one and as I the love Death Note Amine and I loved all the little accessories she came with I had to have her!

I also loved her box, with it's images of her Shinigami Rem and smaller images of Yagami Light's Shinigami Ryuk.

The sides of the box show images of her  which are taken from the anime.

She comes with a small handbag, pair of shoes, black lace arm warmers and black lace stockings and  her cuddly toy - which looks like a tiny version of herself.

She also comes with a black stand to allow her to as she is unable to stand up by herself.

Her hair is styled in the same way she wears it in the anime, and her clothes are a close impression of the Gothic / Punky style she has, which they've done a pretty good job of replicating while making her little outfit.

She also comes wearing a cute little skull and cross bones necklace and a studded choker around her neck.

The reason I wasn't so keen on this dolls when they first arrived on the market is because they have quite round chubby faces and quite a boyish expression on their faces.

While these dolls are often called "Blythe Clones" and do come with a pull string on the back of their heads, they are not able to change their eye colours like Blythe Dolls can.

 In the case of Icy Dolls the pull string is there to make the doll "wink" when pulled.

The biggest thing that attracted me to this doll was her box, I liked her little outfit, although it does have a more "slutty" vibe than a Goth or Punk one and the little cuddly toy she came with.

I decided that I would buy her, most likely change her body for an Azone one as she is unable to bend her arms and legs and I much prefer dolls with posability.

I also plan to repaint and possibly sculpt her face a little to make her look closer to Misa than she does at present..

Wish me luck!

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