Saturday 28 June 2014

25th June 2014 - Birthday with The Hujoos, Makie & Tangkou Custom - Bliss!

                             Makie & Hujoo photoshoot - Langland Bay, Swansea.

                                                 Pendle and Akimoto relaxing in the sun.

                              Asami, Kasa & maitake soaking up some rays.

  Asami, Kasa & Maitake make a new friend while sunbathing on the beach!

I took this photo' to stealthily include the group of girls who had obviously never seen a Doll Collector at play before, I gave them a little show with my Zombie girl before arranging my Makie & Hujoos for their photo shoots... They must have enjoyed it as they seemed fascinated by what I was doing & appeared to be texting or uploading photographs of the "strange middle-aged woman playing with dolls in Langland Bay"!

So if you see any memes or instagram pic's ... "That's me that is"!

Sadly we didn't get much time to play, so not many beach shots happened that day before we had to pack up and head off to Caswell Bay, which provided us with another opportunity to take some photo's - this time it was my Tangkou Custom's turn to get in on the action...

    Zombie Girl's Photoshoot - Bishop's Wood Nature Reserve, Caswell Bay, Swansea.

During our photo' session/ dog walk in the woods found her new name and will now be known by the moniker "Creeping Stink Flesh" - I think it suits her very well!

 I managed to snap these two photo's before my Son stole not only my camera but "Stink Flesh" too and wandered off into the woods to take the following photographs - that's my boy...

For some reason this photo puts me in mind of Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2 aka Zombie Flesh Eaters.

Disclaimer:  I have been told to make it clear that my Son is not into dolls or playing with them... I'm also not allowed to mention his own doll collection and as I have definitely not done so there's no chance of him telling me of when he reads this!


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