Saturday 22 March 2014

^_^ Woooah New Look Blog!! ^_^

Hi Guys,

Well I've been having a productive few days, as you can tell I've been busy redesigning this blog, but I didn't actually start off to do so, I was actually pretty happy with how it was (well I knew no better) until I had the idea to make another blog, this quickly turned into two more blogs with plans for more and lead to my realising that this blog didn't look half as good as the others so changes had to be made...

The reason for all this you may be wondering? well I was trying to download something when I got a message saying:

"No, Stop right there Herbie, you massive lunatic ... This laptop is completely full... Every inch of it, you better get rid of some stuff if you want this downloaded"


I really can't believe I maxed out the memory well actually I can, I'm a hoarder and sadly I've been hoarding hundreds of Doll Sewing, Knitting & Crochet Patterns, ridiculous amounts of dollhouse printables and images I've downloaded to make my own, Tutorials on how to make BJDs, Plans for Dollhouses in various scales, Plushie Patterns, Human clothes patterns, Polyclay Techniques and Tutorials, man the list goes on...

Then I had a brainwave, the Doll Clothing Patterns were downloaded for free and it would definitely help me and maybe some other people if I was to collate them online where they could be stored without limits (unlike my Son's laptop!) and will be just as easily accessible, although now I'm, 40+ posts in I've realised I've still got hundreds more to go so I think I may small things down by zipping them so they're easily downloadable, that way I could use smaller images on the blog and fit more on neatly... Anyhoo, If you'd like to take a look around my collection of hoarded Sewing patterns it's viewable here; just click this link (this will also be linked one of of the side bars on this blog too when I get around to it), ok so yeah, I give you "Herbie's Doll Sewing, Knitting + Crochet Pattern Collection"  I've also included the web page below the picture of my banner in case you'd like a direct link address instead, just copy and paste it.
Before I start talking about my second "Sister Blog", I'd like to give you a brief idea of what is up on / soon to be added to my Pattern site so here goes, I have collected over the years, many many patterns from Vintage (1960's - 1970's) Barbie Dolls, Skipper, Ken & Christie, to Tuesday Taylor, Dawn and Topper sized dolls, I have patterns for 1960's Tammy dolls and the more recent 1980's Sindy dolls, Blythe dolls, Pullip Dolls, 1950's Pedigree baby Dolls, American Girl Dolls, Ellowyne Wilde, Taylor Wentworth, Odeco & Nikki, Mini Blythe, Living Dead Dolls, Gene, to more recent Barbie doll body shapes, Makie Dolls, BJDS (Various sizes), Bratz Dolls, Dal & Licca Chan &Monster High. I also have several patterns for making furniture from fabric or plastic canvas, and more than a few Japanese Doll clothing "Recipe Books"... It all needs to come off this computer and be stored somewhere I can access it (I've maxed out my Cloud space trying too as well) so this way of storing seems to make more sense to me right now.

I'm not claiming to own the copyright on any of these patterns and wherever possible I give credit to the author of the pattern, unless for some reason I have not been able to do so, in which case I ask that if you know or own the content an o not like me saving and displaying it, please let me know so I can rectify things.

Now onto my second sister blog; this one is where I am going to store all the hundreds of miniature printables in various scales, from 1:48 to 1:12, from 1:24 to 1: 6 so again something for every one, I will also be uploading a lot of images I've collected (real - sized) to re scale for various houses and dioramas, again I do not own these images, an did not rescale them (unless stated) and am hoping that they can be of use to others. I will be uploading links to my favourite paper mini sites, free and otherwise as well on that blog when I have a few minutes.

If you'd like to check out this site you can either copy and paste the url under the banner picture into your browser or click on his link to go straight to the page: "Herbie's Collection of Printable Minis & Scalable Images For Dolls Houses".   Don't forget to look out for the image below on this and my other site for link throughs.

As all the organising, labelling and uploading etc takes time and I have many many images to get through, please bear ith me and keep checking back, if there is something you are especially in need of for a project etc, drop me a comment as it's very possible hat I may have just hat you are looking for, but have not got around to uploaing it yet, or if not I may have seen one on my travels and be able to point you in the right direction.

Please Do Not ask for Ann Venture Paper Minis as it is a breach of  agreement for me to share them, I will however be adding links where you can buy them or you can access the free archives when you sign up to her email list and follow the link contained within the emails she sends to you, please not these emails have a short lifespan after which the link will become void, so try and access it as soon as you receive it to avoid disappointment.

Ann Venture's Paper Minis email list can be joined by sending her a request at the following address:

I also recommend you visit her website for a drooling session... But in case you are thinking about signing up for one of her clubs but are unsure, I can vouch for the quality of he printies you will receive, but don't take my word for it, email her for a sample at: so you can judge the quality for yourself...

Ok, that's it for now... hope you check out and enjoy my new blogs,

Thursday 20 March 2014

Links to my Websites & Squidoo Pages

Hi Y'all,

Thought I'd drop you a couple of lines to let you know what to expect from these pages...I have loads of photos on here which I've arranged in separate folders so you're gonna have to keep scrolling down if you want to see everything...sorry about that...just trying to be easier on the eyes lol

The links page is just as bad I'm afraid as I have stuff all over the internet lol but if you're after something specific like my artwork...check out my can find the address on the links page - for my doll collection site and then follow the links from the title page...alternatively you can try these! - This link will take you directly to the title page of my online gallery....or if you wish to see doll based artwork go to sorry about all the annoying pop ups it's a free hosting domain so unfortunately I can't do anything about them :( guess I'll have to work on moving these sites soon...keep ya posted!

My writing is available on Squidoo - Lots of facts, figures and survival tips on surviving a lightning strike. - step by step guide on how to survive a Zombie Attack!! - short essay on why you should read Terry Pratchett's Discworld series! - short essay on how the yBa changed our perception of what we think of as art!
More coming soon!!