Tuesday 17 March 2015

•.-:¦:💙 Dolls & Me. 💙:¦:-•

I don't remember when I first started collecting dolls, I just know I always have.

I had my own doll cabinet full of dolls in National Costumes, these I kept out of harms way, and just took them out on occasion and marvelled at their clothing and thought about how different life must be in all those far away countries depicted by the dolls in my collection.

Every time I went somewhere I always had to return with a doll!

Family members also brought many of them back for me...I ended up with well over 100!

That's without the Tiny Tears, Sindy, Barbie, Victoria Plum, Princess Leia and countless other dolls I played with on a daily basis!!

As I've grown up I have lost most of my original collection, but have recently been finding myself unable to resist when I see a doll similar to one I once loved!!

My collection consists of a lot of newly acquired dolls, ones I had and lost, ones I never had but always wanted but also a few of my childhood dolls remain...and they always make me smile!

I made this blog in the hope that others will also feel lifted when looking at my dolls, and also as a way of cataloguing and keeping track my collection, and my customs.


Herbie X

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