Tuesday 31 March 2015

❈ Hujoo Baby Cojoo Basic Doll ❈

If you've read my previous post about  Junkyspot Phoebe Anthro Mouse  you probably guessed that it was inevitable that sooner or later I would be adding a Cojoo to my Hujoo family.

I had been holding out for a chocolate skin version but these days they seem impossible to find in the skin tone I want.

In fact my Ebay hunt only produced one, in apricot skin tone on sale in Mimiwoo's.

It seemed to me that I'll never get my hands on the chocolate version and more than likely this apricot skinned one is the only option I'll have to own one.

The more I thought about it, the more I began to see the possibilities this little person represents.

In terms of size Cojoo dolls are 14cm tall. so are slightly larger than Hujoo Baby Dolls.

Their heads are much larger too:15cms ( 6 inches) to Hujoo Baby's 11.5cm (4.53 inches), which is no doubt to accommodate their huge eyes, which are 16mm.

Bodywise they are very similar in terms of aesthetics. They have the look of a very young child but given the size of them in comparison to a Hujoo Baby doll, they are really more the "toddler" version of the Hujoo Family.

As I'm beginning to think I should write a comparison post once he arrives, I'm going to stop with the size differences and just go ahead and list the rest of Cojoo's dimensions, so here goes:

Girth of neck : 4.2cm
Girth of Chest : 7.2cm
Width of shoulders : 2.5cm
Girth of hips : 8cm
Foot size : 1.9cm

I had the idea that as the rest of my human Hujoos are chocolate skin, this little one is really going to stand out amongst them, so to my mind he should stand out not because of his colour but because he is striking looking. The idea came to me that I could always make him albino.

When I was in college I had a friend who is albino and she had skin of a very similar hue to this apricot tone, she also had very long corkscrew permed hair which was so fair as to be almost white, I found it so beautiful and always wanted to find a way to reproduce it, now perhaps I can.

My Son also had an albino friend when he was small, he is the Grandson of my parent's friend and they spent many a happy Summer day playing cricket in his Grandparents farmland. I think with both of them having to be so careful when out in the sun they had a mutual understanding in a way the other children around here had.

I've bought some beautiful white Wensleydale wool which I'm planning to make his or maybe her wig from, it has blonde bits in it too which should greatly help with the "realism"...

I also already have his / her name which is happily unisex; 겨울 일 ( gyeoul il ) or  Winter Sun which I think will suit regardless of the sex of this little personage and is especially apt right now given the state of the weather!

I guess I'll have to keep you posted!


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