Sunday 8 March 2015

☼ La Dee Da Liv -Ooak La Dee Da / Liv Hybrid Doll ☼

Here's another of my recent Hybrids ...  My La dee da Liv...

When La dee da dolls were first released I immediately fell in love with these sweet little girls. I loved their unique style and fashions... And those huge eyes,

But I didn't allow myself to be tempted as I couldn't help feeling something was off about them, I just couldn't put my finger on just what it was.

After months of keep going back to them and when the "Garden Tea Party" range were released I finally decided I'd get one,

 In particular Tylie as "Ladybug Look" was the one that really swayed me with Dee as "Bee-licious" being a very close second so I decided I was going to buy one or both of them, I went to add them to my basket and "Gah" they were both sold out!

So that was that, I'd missed my chance they were impossible to get my hands on, even on the second hand market - I gave up...

Until about two months ago when I accidentally stumbled upon an Ebay listing for a partially clothed "Ladybug Look", well of course I won her - otherwise why this post?!

As soon as I held her I realised exactly what it was that I found so "off" about these dolls ...

Her body.. It's like an Obitsu Stick Insect capped with a "Big Giant Head"!

Well something had to be done or this pretty girl was never going to be displayed ... cue new body.

 I discovered that one of my spare Livs was a perfect match for her skintone, hardly surprising as they are both by Spin Master.

The only problem was the neck hole is so small, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with my trusty scalpel.

A few nicks later and a bit of twisting and here she is a non top heavy big eyed girl who is so much easier to pose :)

I liked the fact she had the large head, after all I'm a Blythe and Pullip lover but for some reason the doll as she originally was really rubbed me the wrong way.

Anyhoo, I'm much happier with her now and I think she looks much happier too!

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