Saturday 28 March 2015

♥¸¸.•* Rot's New Face! ¸¸.•*♥

Well Rot's arrived at his new home and has just got the first part of his face up, I'll be finishing him off soon but decided to wait a few days - I tend to do this a lot with my face ups; I feel it gives me time to get to know my new doll and his or her personality which I then attempt to bring out in round two of the face up... 

So here he is so far,  I've already decided on some of his tweaks but I'm going to wait at least a week before I do them as I have several other face ups waiting at the moment.

I stupidly forgot to take "before" photographs as I was far too excited to even think about doing so prior to starting - dur!

He came with a pair of acrylic half round eyes, but I really didn't think they brought out his personality very well and as I go through phases of buying both acrylic and glass, half and full round eyes of various sizes and patterns, I always have plenty to choose from when doing my doll customs.

While hunting through my "Eye Drawers" I found two pairs of full round blue glass eyes which were a perfect fit for this little man, one pair were slightly more realistic but I felt these light blue ones really "popped" as they oddly make his face look more alive. 

I really love the contrast between them and his skin tone, so light blue it is!

I still have to give more definition on his teeth , claws and spikes but these will be the finishing details... I want to bring his scaly bits out a bit first but I'm not sure if these will be a different colour to the rest of him or not... Oh decisions!

Anyhoo, I'll update once I've decided and have finished him.



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