Friday 17 April 2015

Mr. Whiskers from Frankenweenie - A Wish List Request!

While this is not really a doll post and does serve as a great excuse for me to put these adorable images up online, there is a doll related  theme to it ... honest!

It comes in the form of a question: "Does anybody know of someone who makes Mr.Whiskers figures? 

I'm envisioning him made in wool using that awesome technique that some very clever folks seem to have mastered.

I was thinking maybe Violet Pie on Etsy had, but sadly no...

For me he needs to look as close to these images as possible.

 Doesn't have to be in felt mind, plastic would do - but not the official "plush" one, I'm not so keen on him.

Please let me know if you have any info' for me... Thankies!


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