Sunday 18 October 2015

1965 Kamar Female Elf Doll

I've just found this very intriguing listing on Ebay for a "1965 Kamar Female Elf Doll"  ...

The reason it intrigues me so much is because about 6 years ago I was very fortunate to find myself the proud owner of a 1965 Female Elfin faced  Doll.

Once my ownership was discovered by several of my Flickr friends who'd been nosing through my Photo Albums - Everybody wanted one, although, sadly she turned out to be pretty rare!

One or two of them managed to find them though, one even found a doll with a label from the Kamar factory still attached to her wrist, proclaiming that her name is "Julie", however, this one also was slightly different to mine...

This one differs from mine though, her hair is blonde not red, and her body is turquoise not orange...
Since getting my girl a few years back, I've only seen a few of these girls, but never a blonde one like this before ...

If you're interested, she's for sale on Ebay right now, here's a link to the listing: Vintage 1965 Kamar Big Eyed Elf-Doll


  1. I would like to purchase this blue, blonde hair female kaymar knee hugger she still around?
