Sunday 25 September 2016

☠ The Problem with Monster High Dolls... ☠

Since being introduced to Monster High Dolls in 2010 by an online fellow doll loving friend (Thanks Kyle!), and beginning my quest to own Frankiestein - she was the only one I really wanted until a few months later when they hit the U.K and I found them in my local Argos...
I bought both Draculaura and Frankiestein and thought I was done until I got them home and really looked at them, I went back the next day for Lagoona Blue & Clawdeen Wolf!

 But that was definitely it, I had the new Monster High Dolls and I was happy, I had no reason to buy any more.

But, no... Along comes Kyle again and shows me his recently acquired Ghoulia Yelps doll, and nagdabbit a ZOMBIE!!!
 I was smitten and so my quest began again, after that there really was no hope for me.

 I'd discover the new dolls through my American friends, wait for what seemed like an endless amount of time before they arrived in the U.K and sadly not all of them did so... 

I'd obtain, discover a new release, wait again... ad infinitum.

Just having to have them, it was truly terrible to behold!

I'm now of course totally hooked, even the ones I thought looked bloody stupid when I first saw them and vowed I wouldn't buy, somehow crossed my palms with the intention of being victims for customising... 

But alas no - when they got into my sweaty mitts, I saw their merits and *sigh* add that to the collection too!

It's gotten so bad that the ones that were originally bought for customising and subsequently ended up in my collection had to be replaced as I couldn't shake the idea of how they'd look customised!

Now my collection is somewhere in the late double figures and fast approaching trebles but of course that's not it either... those tricksy folks over at Mattel go and release the  Create a Monster range - a doll customiser's dream! 

I don't think I need to tell you what happened then?!
Mattel weren't done either it seems was I ... 

They  released playsets with cool creepy themes and now I'm at a loss as to how to categorise / display / photograph & upload all my beauties.

Starting with the boxed dolls seemed like a plan but of course I now have more of them to show off too, it really is never ending...

I think I need some kind of Monster High Doll AA!

I should probably make another start so the next few posts will be Monster High themed, I just hope you guys are ready for it!


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