Monday 3 October 2016

☞ The Kiss of Death - Living Dead Dolls: Birthday Prezzies 2015 ☜

I really loved the Death versions of Living Dead Dolls released by Mezco and"Spirit Talking" really couldn't decide if I preferred the Horseman of The Apocalypse series "Death" or the Series 15  versions of this doll. 

The two are pretty similar really, except that series 15's Death comes with a little planchette as well as his scythe and "The Four Horseman of The Apocalypse" Death comes with a little white obby oss.

The Series 15 Death also Glows in the dark, I'm not sure however if the variant version does as well.

Series 15 Variant Death is a red robed version which puts me in mind of "The Masque of The Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe... All of which came in little coffin shaped boxes.

Each comes with the obligatory "Death Certificate" as well, but the series 15 Deaths differ in that they form part of a Ouija Board, hence the series title "Spirit Talking".

The rest of series 15 each have a section of a Ouija Board, which when pieced together make a full board.

With the planchette in Death's coffin, you can use the Ouija Board if you so wish. This series is unique in that they reward you for collecting the entire series by giving you an extra gift, a part of which is included in each of their coffins.

As far as I can make out the only thing that ties these dolls together as a series is the inclusion of the Ouija Board pieces. In terms of a theme their isn't really a coherent one, and the series title "Spirit Talking" relates only to the enclosed Ouija Board pieces and not the dolls themselves.

The Series 15 variants all come with the Ouija Board parts and were released as limited editions with the entire run being 666 sets Worldwide!
I was still umming and ahhing as to which one I wanted when Mezco released an even cuter version, an adorable little Death with a lipstick mark on his cheek who comes packaged inside a "Kissing Booth" with a sign saying "Kisses 25c Your Soul".

He put me in mind of both Snoopy in his kissing booth and The Discworld's Death. I can just imagine him leaving Binky in the care of Albert and taking time off to "find himself" etc, while pretending to be human he takes a job manning a kissing booth, after reading what he got up to in Mort, Soul MusicReaper Man & Hogfather, I really wouldn't put it past him!

I can imagine him sitting there waiting for customers with The Grim Squeaker perched on his lap.


In case I've never mentioned it, Sir Terry Pratchett is my favourite author and his Discworld series are my ultimate go to books - I have every one he wrote (all 46 of them!) my only regret is I never made it to a book signing and so was unable to tell  Sir Terry just how much his writing meant to me or that I named my beautiful natured kitten (now sadly also passed) Pratchett and that they had both brought me so much joy in my life and helped pick me up at times when I really needed a lift.


Sadly, I will never no have the opportunity to do so, as Sir Terry Pratchett passed away in 2015, the last Discworld book he wrote "The Shepherd's Crown" centred on Tiffany Aching and was as brilliant as the others, it ended on a sad note however, as not only was I very conscious that it was the very last and I would never get to explore any more of the Discworld, which sadly could have continued indefinitely but also because the end of the book had a footnote which stated how Sir Terry passed and his wishes for the Discworld had he have had the time in which to expand on it...

I like to think that the Kissing Booth Death is somehow related to the Discworld's very "human" Death and not the "anthropomorphic personification" which he is normally depicted as being.

 The addition of the lipstick mark on his cheek adds to this notion. While I could use a planchette and I loved the idea of The Four Horses of The Apocalypse Death's obby oss being his own little "Binky", I just couldn't get over the cuteness of the Kiss Of Death.

Aaron had already bought me "War" from the "Four Horsemen" series, so I figured little Kissy Death could use his obby oss if he wanted one. So I added The Kiss of Death to my LDD wish list and yay Aaron bought me him too!

He was released just in time for Valentine's Day... And who wouldn't be happy to receive such an adorable gift, he's just too cute!

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