Monday 19 February 2018

Mum's Old Doll

I still feel pretty terrible about this doll...

My Mum was given her when she was small (sometime in the 1950s) and handed her onto me when I was about 6, with strict instructions that I was to look after her!

I loved hugging her, dressing her up, tucking her into my little pram and pushing her around the cul-de-sac we lived on.

In the Summer we would have tea parties with Teddy Robinson and my mini china tea set.

She came to me in a box, which doubled as a wardrobe and had 2 complete sets of clothing; dresses,hats, panties, socks, felt slippers...only I have no idea how I managed it but I lost the wardrobe and most of the clothes and my Mum went totally mental on me!

I bought her replacement shoes; cinderella ones which you could get everywhere when I was small, one pair for each dress set (she had 1 pink and 1 blue) only I lost the blue ones now she has to wear the pink shoes with the blue dress!

I'm so ashamed...I don't even know what type of doll she is, as all she has on the back of her head is XIII and the markings on her back have all faded away...


  1. It's sad you lost her clothes,but you still have her.It must have meant a lot to your mom that you loved the doll so much.

  2. Hi Tam,
    Thanks, I'm sure it did but it must have upset her a lot too, after all she kept her perfectly for over 20 years! :(
