Tuesday 6 March 2018

💰 Greed - 7 Deadly Sins - Living Dead Dolls - Series 7 💰

I bought this doll loose some time ago. I'd never thought that much of her prior to seeing her for sale - having only seen her as part of photographs of the series as a whole.

Apart from Gluttony, which my son bought me as a gift a few years back, the other "Deadly Sin" I coveted (see what I did there?!) was Vanity.

I find the whole plastic surgery for vanity thing to be a sad and very amusing concept - just think "Celebrity Plastic Surgery Disasters" and you'll get where I'm coming from.  

Don't get me wrong, I think the invention of Plastic Surgery as a medical corrective procedure is an amazing thing. My Son, has been under the care of a Plastic Surgery Consultant since early childhood following an accident. I just find perfectly healthy people having surgery to alter themselves to stay young etc very sad.

But I digress, this post is supposed to be about Greed so I better get back on track...

When I received her I was smitten, I love how her eyes are darting to the side, probably focusing on some soon to be acquisition. She is dressed in a lavish "Look at me, I have money" type of way, I imagine her dress and gloves are one- off Designer creations (another thing I find amusing). Her fingers are covered in jewellery. She also has pearl and gem earrings...

But the best thing about her are her chains - reminiscent of Jacob Marley wearing "The chains he created in life" through his love of money. From her chains hang her "Worldly Spoils" - chests with strings of pearls tumbling out of them and mini Piggy Banks.

She is a very good take on something that is symptomatic of one of the problems in Society today, in fact, the whole range of & Deadly Sins dolls are.

While, checking out prices on my other Living Dead Dolls, I checked out Greed and found the above listings and prices for her on Amazon.uk. This was several months back, so I guess prices may have changed somewhat, and as my doll came to me loose, she isn't worth quite so much. 

That said, I have recently managed to secure a spare box for her, which unfortunately came without the plastic cover and inner lining inserts. 

I made a new insert for the tissue paper lining and a name tag insert by tracing around Gluttony's and then decorating them as per some photo's I found online, then bought and lined the insert with yellow tissue paper so it resembles her original one.

I will also be making her a replacement Death Certificate soon,


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