Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Willow Game - By Tor Books 1988


Like a lot of children who grew up in the 1980s I loved the film Willow starring Val Kilmer and Warwick Davies amongst others, It's right up there with Legend, The Never Ending Story, Troll and The Labyrinth on my list of all time favourite live action fantasy films from my childhood.

So when I spotted the board game I never even knew had been made, in a Charity Shop for £1.00 back in the late 1990's.

I just had to have it - turned out I got very lucky, the game was not only complete but in perfect condition!

The game differs slightly from the film in that the background of how Elora Danan, the baby of the prophecy came to be in the Nelwyn (Dwarf's ) village and instead begins at the point where the Nelwyn Willow Ufgood begins his quest to take the foundling child back to the Daikini (humans), where he feels she belongs.  

Queen Bavmorda - Google.com

In the game he is already aware that the child is the subject of the prophecy and will if not caught by the evil Sorceress Queen Bavmorda, become the Empress of Tir Asleen and end the Sorceress' reign of evil.

Nockmaar - Google.com

Before you start the game you must chose which side you want to be on; Good or Evil...


If you choose Good then you must protect the baby from the Evil Queen and her minions and take her to safety.


 If you chose Evil then you must find and capture the baby and take her to Castle Nockmaar where Queen Bavmorda resides.

General Kael - Google.com

The players on the Evil side, who's job it is to discover which player on the side of Good is hiding the baby, spend the game hunting for The child and fighting the players on the opposing side in order to capture the baby and take her back to their Queen.


As the game is set in a Land of Magic it is possible that during the course of the game Transformation Cards may be played which could find you being transformed into a Possum, Pig or even the fierce, two headed, fire breathing dragon known as an Eborsisk.

Eborosisk - monsterlegacy.net

The game is for 2 to 6 players, and you may play one or more characters from the film. One of the players on the side of  Good has the task of keeping the baby safe during game play.

The Good characters begin the game much weaker than those on the side of Evil, but as the game progresses they become stronger by finding Places of Power and Treasures which enable them to free captive prisoners who will in turn help them to protect Elora Danan, this is one way the side of Good can win the game. 

The other way to win is to become so powerful that they can defeat Queen Bavmorda in combat.


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