Friday 14 June 2019

✿。•*¨*•。 VIP Pets Anthropomorphic Hybrid Custom Dolls •*¨*•。✿


I spotted The VIP Pets series of toys, when they were released a few years back, I really liked their vibrant hair colours and one or two of their faces, but not their bodies, so I decided to add them to my list of possible customs when and if the inspiration struck me.

A couple of weeks ago, I found two for sale on Ebay at a good price, so I decided finally bring my ideas into fruition and snapped them up.

After a little research, as I had only seen these toys in passing, I discovered the orange haired one is called Alex and the blue haired is called Taylor.
Taylor has a more natural coloured skin tone, compared to Alex's more orangey tone (I'm thinking she'll likely have a Monster High body once finished.

I had a spare Azone Body in my victim's box so I thought I'd see how well Taylor's head matched and if it would work well with that body, and so this little girl was born.

I was pleasantly surprised to find I didn't need to tweak or alter the neck or neck hole in anyway, her head just popped straight on, turns fine with no wobbling and is a really good match colour wise too!

I thought the little collar she originally came with was so cute so I put it onto her new body, where it looks even cuter!

The little dress she is wearing was made by a very talented Ebay Seller called spider8lesley who makes very cute outfits for Blythe / Azone sized and Monster High Dolls... If you'd like to check her out, click the link in her name above.

As she now has an Azone body, she has the full functionality those bodies offer.

Unfortunately, these bodies only come in natural skin tones, which mostly is a good thing but sometimes an unnatural colour is required, like for Alex's orange skin tone which is why I'm thinking of putting her on a Monster High Body, hopefully her head won't be too heavy for the body.

At the moment I'm working on giving her a new face, I was originally going to do the same with Taylor, but once I saw how cute she looked on the Azone Body, there was no way I could bring myself to strip off her face and repaint her.

I'll be sharing her photographs once I've finished her, so watch this space I guess!


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