Sunday 28 June 2020

The Governor's Room ( The Walking Dead) Construction Set - McFarlane Toys

I'm sure by now you are aware that I've had a thing about Zombies since watching George Romero's Day of The Dead when I was 6.  

I couldn't get enough of the stinking reanimated corpses as they shambled along looking for human flesh to consume.

Over the years I've watched pretty much any Zombie film I could find, from Romero's other classics in "The Dead" series to the comedy horror "Living Dead's" were the corpses now are trying to consume brains as a way of stopping the pain of feeling thier insides rotting... 

To the not quite but definitely Zombies of The Crazies (and the remake) to the fast moving vicious buggers of the "... Days later" movies or the contaminated ice cream turned Zombies who have no idea they are gross Zombies from Wasted Away... I just love me a Zombie!

So it probably comes as no surprise to find out that when The Walking Dead came out I got well into it, I got hold of the dvds as soon as they came out but sadly something happened to the story along the way and I grew bored with the show, so I stopped watching it after the 5th Season.

While I found the character of The Governor annoying and felt his story ark when on too long, especially the stuff with Angela being an idiot vs Michonne; I loved it when we got to see how he lives behind closed doors, with his fish tanks full of Zombie heads and his infected daughter, Penny, whom he keeps locked away, often with a bag on her head - Apocalyptic parenting 101!

So a couple of years back, when I discovered that there was a construction set available,  which allowed you to make your own mini version of his room, well I was sold!

The box contains 292 Lego-like pieces which take 40 minutes to an hour to put together, depending how fiddly you find it.

For the most part the pieces go together easily, and it didn't take long before I'd built the base and 
placed the floor boards down..

I couldn't wait to get it finished so I could play with Penny and those  small decapitated zombie heads!

I won't lie, I did find a few bits of it quite fiddly and for some reason my fingers decided to turn into sausages, but after a few attempts, it was finished and I'm really proud of it, not only because it took a while to make but because it just looks so awesome!

After that I just had to see what it looks like with the lights off and fish tank lights and ohmyfuckinggawd it was something else again... 

I love this set, I really didn't expect the lights to bring so much to the piece, but they do - the atmosphere it takes on takes an already creepy scene to a darn right sinister one! 


The furniture and Penny are have only one peg they can fit on, sure they could be moved from peg to peg but the best and most authentic display is to place them in their intended spots.

This is the perfect set for any Walking Dead / Zombie/ Horror fan who enjoys making models, dioramas or even one who loved Lego as a child - or still does... I'm not judging, I can't resist Lego myself!

 I love this set and enjoyed making it so much that I bought another, not Walking Dead though, this time I got my hands on The Throne Room from game of Thrones, but that one has been giving me a hard time so I put it away. 

I really should start again on it soon though, I would like to see it completed, and when I do... Expect another Construction Set post!

Before I go, I'd like to add, I think this type of kit is really good for anyone who is into dioramas and also modelling, it's a great entry into the hobby, especially if you're worried about painting or gluing tiny pieces together, as it is all already done for you and you just need a little bit of hand dexterity to snap the pieces into place.

Anyhoo, that's it for now folks, so stay safe, take care, keep those masks on and away from idiots who think it's ok not to wear one, and yeah that's it!




  1. I haven't really watched much of The Walking Dead, but geez, that is a cool set up! :D

  2. Thanks Norist,
    It really is, I love the look of it. Tbh, I'd have bought it even if I'd never of watched the show!
