Monday 15 December 2008

Chrissy Pressies for Aaron...shhhh lol

Based on Jack Skeleton's Santa outfit from The Nightmare Before Christmas

Update to follow soon...


  1. I'm pleased to report that Aaron was well happy with these new editions and arranged and re-arranged them on his shelf (which is now getting too small!) Along side his other Dollcenas,Mini-Pullips and Little Apple dolls! woot for me I made a doll collector out of him...he's now after the Treasure Hunt pirate Mini-Blythe...after seeing the vid I uploaded lol serves me right tho'!!

  2. Good on ya Aaron, go boy. James goes for the figures, and celebrity dolls, Million Dollar Man, Michael Jackson, and he has all the Little Britain ones, he has a massive singing James Brown and Pee Wee Herman, and a Mr Bean, hes left home though and doesnt have room in his tiny flat so guess whos stuck with them all
