Saturday 6 December 2008

Ooak Vintage Strawberry Shortcake / Custard Doll

strawberry as bought


  1. New face paint...her eyes were kinda dull and scratched abit, made to measure cat washed, styled and strawberry smell added...voila one custard doll to go with the near perfect Strawberry Shortcake doll I just bought woot!!

  2. Face paint faded and scratched off in places, nekkid, having a very bad case of attic-bed head and hair smelling all musty ewwwie!

  3. I think I have one of these dolls if you want it herbs.

  4. Hey John,
    Yes Please...I'd love the Strawberry Shortcake doll lol bet you knew I'd say that!! could you put a pic' of her up for me?
    Oh and what would you like in return for her?

  5. Hi Herbs, I have some clothing bits i think but could take some time to find it , I need your address for a couple of dolls im sending you "" nothing like shed baby i promise lol"",
    I did have quite a few of these dolls but i listed them last year they went for silly money ! ill watch out for some for you as i do see them from time to time but have not been bootsale or charity shops for a bit lol still clearing what i have but nearly there now,
    Donna x

  6. yay cool thanks donna i'm after crepe suzette, blueberry muffin and purple pieman lol woot i'll mail u my address for the non-shed's lol she really was something else!!

  7. I agree its going to take a lot to equal her for looks hahahahaha,
    soon as i get your address ill send em for you , Hope your son is getting better now bless him ,
    Donna x

  8. thanks donna, he's doing pretty well only sly little sod has got me up and doing his paper-round for him 'cos it's been so icy i didn't want him to fall over and end up back in hospital .... but yeh it's healing well still not 100% yet but it's getting there and he's in less pain so we're both really happy about his progress, went for outpatients appointment today and the doctor's are pleased with it and don't need to see him for another 3 weeks so it must be good a?...and yes must send you that address completely forgot about that lol
