Saturday 6 December 2008

Ooak Punk Barbie...Latest work in progress

I made her some tartan bondage trousers, repainted some doll boots black (sealed them of course) made her a "padlock" necklace, nose to ear chain and gave her some make up.

Her outfit is still not finished as I'm planning on making her a straight jacket due to the fact I used an unwanted Barbie I found in a Charity shop to make her and duh I never considered that her hands (pre chewed with love by the child who used to own her) would spoil the finished doll, but as she was really an experiment at first, I just didn't consider it at all... now I have though, I've got to find a way of hiding this *sigh*

I'll update when I'm finally finished...


  1. Hey Herbs, love her! She's brilliant.

  2. I think she looks great! love the nose chain,

  3. lol thanks...I used to wear one like that!

  4. Phil and Ruby are punks, Mollies mum and dad, I'll post a pic of their wedding, they only got around to getting married this year.

  5. Ooh yeah Herbs, see what you mean, great minds think alike eh. Must tell Phil

  6. What a great idea! I love everything about her-how did you color her hair? She is AWESOME!

  7. Thank you Disco Diva I'm glad you like her! As for her hair, I made a weak wash with acrylic paint and water and built up the colour layer by layer until I was happy with it.
    A Flickr friend of mine, told me how he "flocks" his dolls, so I may end up giving this girl a proper skinhead look either side of the mohawk, when I finally get a chance to finish her.
