Wednesday 20 January 2010

☮ 70's Decor - Mini Makes!! ☮

(26th July 2009)

Spent a couple of hours making this today!!

It's Called "Flutter By"... I made it to go in the Triang house's Living Room along with another one I'm in the middle of making... so it's gonna be quite a large couple of paintings on one wall to go with that Geometric wallpaper I've got plans to use in the living room!

It's made in exactly the same way I make my own canvases ... only in this case I used matchsticks instead of 2 by 2 for Baton & a cardboard front (instead of plyboard or just stretched canvas) which I covered in Linen and stretched over the "board"..

I copied part of a cover from my 1960's Poetry Book ( " It's World That Makes The Love Go Round" ) for the butterfly image ....

Primed it with Gesso & painted it in Acrylic Paint with a tiny brush...then varnished the front & sides!

The 2nd one will have another image from that book cover (most likely a heart) but the colours will be swapped...

black and red for heart & all other colours used on butterfly for background image!

Should be pretty "Far Out" when done lol

70's Decor - Mini Make - Part 2

Number 2 in the set for the Triang House...

I've started thinking about making some more too!! lol only smaller next time, hopefully I'll find enough time to do so and soon wooot!

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