Wednesday 20 January 2010

Ooak Pirate Doll - My Custom Creations from a Vintage Doll

I finally worked out what to do with that little boy doll Jules sent me!

After I'd painted his hair he started to remind me of those little boys in Enid Blyton Novels, so I set to work and turned him into one!

Seeing as when he was blonde he had the look of a Sailor about him I decided he had to keep with the Nautical theme...

so I made him a little foam sword out of a packaging crate bean and belt buckle from a pill strip, a little paper hat, eye patch  and a treasure map...

I glued his clothes to him as I wanted them to be a tight fit and show off his cute little tummy and painted on some blue slippers.

Now he can play in his Toy Room 'til his hearts content...or at least until his Nanny comes to tell him it's Bedtime!!

Original Post in Dolls More Dolls on Multiply - 19th July 2009

Here's the text version:

Alright there Shipmates?

Lol just in case anyone's been wondering where I've been these last few days...I've been busy creating my little Pirate from the doll Jules kindly donated!

Once I painted his hair, he started to remind me of those Enid Blyton children so I made him a dress-up Pirate costume in keeping with that...He has a Paper Hat, Foam Sword and Pirate's Treasure Map, all hand-made by me lol he's also wearing his favourite blue slippers!!

Here's the pic's


                                                           Here's a reminder of how he was!

Ahoy There!
I made him a little paper Pirate's Hat, a Treasure map and a foam sword. For his outfit; I used a scrap of red and white striped linen, and a tiny scrap of black cotton for his shorts, I made him a little belt - the buckle I made from a piece of a pill packet. His eye patch was made out of a tiny scrap of black cotton and some cotton thread, painted socks and blue slip on slippers ...

And now I'm completely in love with him!!

before n after - recap pic'


  1. Hello, Herbie,

    Really nice work! This vintage doll stay cool with this pirate suit/costume! Here in Brazil is Carnival now and I see many pirates in the streets:)

    Greetings from Brazil!


  2. Hi Mauther,
    Thank you so much, I'm glad you like my little doll I'm really pleased with how he turned out. Wow Carnival time you say? how cool is that I bet you see so much to inspire you!
