Saturday 3 November 2012

Birthday Present from My Dad! - 15th June 2009


My new Blythe House measures 26 inches wide ... 25 inches high....13 inches deep!

It has the four main rooms, a cool stairway and landing, working front and room doors, with handles....and enough attic space for all 6 Blythe Petites to have a bed each up there!

Pebble dashed sides, Slate roof & Brickwork patterned front, two cute chimney stacks, Dormer windows, a wooden staircase & pastel painted rooms with mini skirting board around!

front view

Lol told my Dad I'm gonna be spending so much time making this house great that my own house will be going to rack and ruin!

He laughed at me cos I want to get some window boxes and was saying about how at Christmas time they can have little fairy lights up around the place!

Told mum she has to hurry up and fix the tension on my sewing machine as I got little curtains and soft furnishing to make!

Oh and she told me of a place in Swansea where they sell everything for dolls houses and said we can have a day out there soon so I can get some little bits and pieces to decorate etc!

open to show attic space and rooms

when I got it home I had to remove most of the stuff on my dressing table to site it...then I had to get everything out the boxes to see what would fit the scale ... I have discovered I am going to need to buy quite a bit to furnish the rooms oh dear how awful for poor Herbie I hear you cry!

Cool thing is the Triang can now be a 70's pad with 60's / 70's dolls in residence and all to scale (kinda) little kiddie may be a tad short! but the rubber doll from my childhood and soda pop girl fit just right...

Oh and the little Asian doll I got the other day is the perfect size for this Blythe Palace too!

hmmm... wonder what's Japanese for palace? I'm gonna find out and make a little name plaque for this house seeing as it where all the Asian babes are going to be living!!

I'm going to have a great time photographing both my houses when I'm all done decorating room filling making small things etc!!!

it is perfect...It was made just for me!

cute hallway

My Dad's friend has a book of plans etc (he makes houses for a hobby!) and my Dad went around his place and saw the ones they have in their living room and chose what he thought I would want and somehow the one he chose and size was just right for the small people I was planning to house there!

He was saying about how they have one with electricity and lights he was pretty amazed by them it seems until I spoilt it by saying that's what this one is going to have and a little standard lamp in the corner so lol he just acted like my Dad and laughed at me then!

But he's loving the fact I just think he's the coolest Dad in the World!!

Oh dear that reminds me father's day soon lol wonder if that's why he did it?

Typical Susie...spots a new house and straight away goes knocking to see if she can sell some cookies
I'm going to have to make her change out of that Guides costume she hasn't stopped selling cookies to everyone since she's been in it!       * Silly sod forgot to bring the cookies!!*

Visitors already, they are supposed to bring you around a casserole, not sell you cookies, lol try telling Susie that ...she really is becoming a nuisance since Retro Lil' made her that meal gone to her head I think!
Lol I know I'm blessed to have such great understanding parents!

And I'm thrilled to bits with this house one like this was well out of my price range but I couldn't help looking at them and wishing very hard!

Just wish i had a little girl now so I could have someone to pass it onto but you never know Aaron may have one one day (in quite a few years fingers crossed) although my guy does have plans for me on that score!

I Guess time will tell!

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