Saturday 3 November 2012

❝ Ooak Sk8ta Witch Doll ❞

I got the inspiration for this little lady as soon as I saw this Playmates, Little Cousins Doll...

She is one of the first doll customs I made, back in 2007, which explains her name... at the time the whole "Skater thing" was all the rage and as she had a pair of moulded skates in place of feet, it seemed the perfect name for her.

I loved her little pouty mouth and big blue eyes... Her hair was very unruly though so I started by giving her dreadlocks.

Then I made her a little black dress and witch's hat from some black fabric I had some cardboard and a little piece of leather thong, I had lying around.

As her hand was shaped in such a way to hold something, I decided she should have her own little broom, just in case she decides she might want to stop skating and take off flying instead!

I gathered some twigs from outside and after gathering them in a bunch, with a larger on in the centre to act as a handle, I tied bound them together with string and cut the handle to size.

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