Friday 21 September 2018

Pocket Full Of Posiez - Panzy The Pirate - Limited Edition Art Doll by Queenie.

In March 2015, I posted about my stupidly cute Pocketful of Posiez Delilah Doll that I was lucky to win on Ebay.

If you want to read about her, you can find a link to my post here... Delilah.

Since then I've been looking out for the others in the series; it turns out the doll maker: Queenie only made three, the other being the very awesome looking Lylliona who looks like this...

Just now I was looking for a picture of her to add to this post and I discovered one for sale on Ebay, after 3 years of searching, I've finally found one come up for sale but of course there is a catch... 

A bloody big catch, apart from the fact the listing is from 2015 -  The seller had her listed at a starting bid of $340.00 (£258.40)! 

I've saved a few pictures from that post and I've noticed the differences on each box which I'd like to go into but I don't think here is really the post to do it on, so stay tuned for a Pocketful of Posiez collective box design post real soon, right now it's back to Panzy...

I spotted Panzy for sale on Amazon and had to snap her up, I love her crooked little mouth, her big eyes and the fat that she is a Pirate.... And who doesn't love a Pirate?!

Like my Delilah Doll, she comes in a beautifully decorated box that is tailored to suit her particular quirks...

The back of her box is interesting as it mentions other members of her "crew", Delilah, Prunella and Hortencia. it makes me wonder if they are the names of dolls which were planned to be included in this series... After all, at the time of her release in 2007, Delilah hadn't yet been produced, and wouldn't for another 5 years!

There is more evidence on the box that Delilah was in the works, as one of the side panels shows a picture of Delilah with the words "Coming Soon" ...

I guess it's pretty telling that on the side panels of Delilah's box there is no "Coming Soon" teaser.

Panzy is the second doll released in this series, but unlike the first - Lyllionia and third doll - Delilah her box does not state she is a Limited Edition Doll or show her number out of 1000.

She is however, a limited doll, but how large the run was I have no idea. Out of the three dolls she is the easiest to find as she is still available to buy on Amazon for not very much money.

I haven't yet taken her fully out of her box, just removed the outer shell so I could get a better look at her. She comes wearing a really cool pair of boots, which I think may be removable. The rest of her outfit is very cute too and she comes with a key around her neck and a little "Treasure Chest" style handbag which opens so she can stash her treasures inside.

She has a very Burtonesque look to her and with that red hair puts me in mind of The Queen of Hearts from his sadly abysmal take on Alice in Wonderland or should that be Underland?

Anyhoo, I have a plan to buy a second one of her and customise her to look more like The Queen of Hearts.

Watch this space, I guess...



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