Monday 24 September 2018

🐄 Ye Olde Monty Python Cow Catapult Deluxe Set by Toy Vault 🐑


A couple of years back my boy brought me an awesome gift for my birthday...

Knowing that one of my favourite films is Monty Python and The Holy Grail he bought me "Ye Olde Deluxe Cow Catapult" from Toy Vault ... and there was much rejoicing!

For me the Cow Catapult scene is one of the most iconic, taking place during the "taunting" King Arthur and his men receive at the hands of the occupying French army, in their attempt to enter Guy de Loimbard's castle, the resting place of The Grail.

After being told "Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries" and "I fart in your general direction, you English kerniggits" doesn't scare away our heroes, the French decide to launch an attack involving fruit, vegetables, chickens and eventually bovines.


This prompts King Arthur and his men to "run away" and once they retreat to a safe distance, Sir Bedevere, The Wise; comes up with a foolproof plan to enter the castle through the use of a "Trojan Rabbit"

Unfortunately for our heroes, they forgot to hide inside the rabbit and the French decide to use the Rabbit as a missile which they hurl from the castle wall.

Sir Bedevere's suggestion of making "a large Wooden Badger" doesn't go down to well and King Arthur decides his men should go their separate ways and search for The Grail by themselves.

Ye Olde deluxe Cow Catapult by Toy Vault was sold in 2004 and comes with 2 sheep, 3 ducks, 2 cows and a bonus Trojan Rabbit so you can relive the castle scene from the film over and over again.

Just in case you have no idea how a catapult works, Toy Vault have kindly provided instructions next to a cute little diagram of the catapult and it's workings.

As much as I want to play with my catapult, I haven't had the heart to remove it from the packaging as it comes in a non-resealable vacuum packed plastic package, and I like how it displays.

To remove it I'd have to damage the packaging and wouldn't be able to reseal it, so unless I can get my hands on another one, I sadly won't be playing with this cool toy any time soon.

Never mind though, it looks great next to my other Monty Python toys!



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