Saturday, 6 June 2009
This Mini Re-Born Baby Boy is....

Made of chocolate!
Yep, that's right peeps... you're supposed to bite his little head off and chow down!!
Flickr Comments:
purple_ebren Pro User says: Wouldn't that fine baby hair get caught between your teeth? *chuckle*
Posted 3 weeks ago.
Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: lmao! I hadn't thought of that! ... It was the idea of biting his little head off that was worrying me...I mean it's ok with Jelly Babies but this thing's got a face! lol he's also got boy's bits lol dunno if I like the idea about that either!!
Posted 3 weeks ago.
monsoon2007 says: Is it really meant to be eaten - I'd feel like a cannibal!
Posted 3 weeks ago.
Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: Lol ...Yes Patty it is!
And I know what u mean I'd feel just awful but then I am Vegan...I don't do food with faces!
Posted 3 weeks ago.
Testcard F - Picture insert

This thing has always creeped me out..
It's the way the girl has just stopped dead still, like a statue...mid game, so she can stare straight at you with a weird expression on her face...(there's something very evil about that expression)
Then there's the fact she's not afraid of that clown thing, which creeps the hell out of me & must be alive 'cos she's playing noughts and crosses with it.
I always thought it was a odd looking balloon but now I can see it's legs I'm even more freaked out... after all, if it's got legs that means it can chase after you!
Anyhoo, They say a problem shared is a problem halved so I've put these 2 pic's up here in the hope someone else will share at least half the nightmares this thing has always given me.
purple_ebren Pro User says: You know, I never realised it was only a clown. I always thought the body was another toy ~ shows doesn't it what you gloss over.
Mind you, we only had a B&W for all my childhood, so alot of the details were prolly lost on me anyways . . .
Posted 3 weeks ago.
Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: lol awww bless...yeh we had b&w for a while's still creepy in that too lol
Posted 3 weeks ago.
Kitsch and Weird,
My World,
Test card F insert,
Full version - 1967 - 1970s Testcard F - BBC

Turns out this is the most famous test card of all time and still in use today by the BBC in 30 other countries.
It's called test card F...It was Designed by George Hersee and features his daughter Carole Hersee.
First appearance 1967 on BBC2
Noeluna says: Haha It's so creepy... I love it
Posted 2 weeks ago.
Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: lol I know...creepy and yet strangely compelling!
Posted 2 weeks ago
BBC Testcards,
Kitsch and Weird,
My World,
Testcard F,
American Kitchen cookie Rement

It's all just so cute... I have to have it!

I mentioned this set in one of my previous posts, just look at those cookies, they'd look just as cute in a dolls hand or in a storage jar in the kitchen.
The baking tray is just as adorable and I love the kitschness of the American themed coffeepot and mug set too!
mmmm...Dinosaur jellys *grin*

This set is made by Rement and is called "Summer Days"
As you can see from the pic' that popcorn looks so real, and the dinosaur jelly sweets are just the cutest, they move about inside the packet (which I've left unopened).
The Books, although tied together with a "Book Strap" can be removed and have pages which turn. he long thing at the front is a "strip of stickers" which I'm sure my little ones will have fun putting all over the furniture soon!
The Basket Ball, well in fact all of the items are 1:16th scale so they are just the right size for Hujoo and 12 inch Blythe dolls to play with.
1/16th Scale,
Dolls House and Miniatures,
American kitchen bubblegum machine!

I love the Bubblegum and cereal dispensers. The bowling pins / ball set is cool too, I'm not so sure about the school chairs though as I can't help remembering just how uncomfortable those things are to use!
American Kitchen,
Dolls House and Miniatures,
American Kitchen Rement
American Kitchen Rement , originally uploaded by Demonic Angel 1975.
I have the Dinosaur Jelly Sweets, Popcorn & School Books one and the "Christmas" one, which comes with a set of 3 round boxes, which stack up forming a father Christmas type figure (for want of a better word) you can see them on the right at the back, it also has the turkey (I may be Vegan, but my dolls are not!) and an adorable tiny little American style School Bus toy, which my Hujoo Wings Boy loves!
I really want to get the cookies one which comes with that adorable oven mitten in the picture, near the turkey. I'd also love the cereal packet, orange juice, gumball machine and those adorable looking peppers!
American Kitchen,
Dolls House and Miniatures,
My World,
More Cupcakes woot!!
Ratty Pillow

From Ikea so I'm told...probably all sold out now I discovered them!
Still never mind I'll just have to make myself one after all I have the pattern (photo) - how hard can it be?!
The only thing I think I'll change is the eyes, as this one looks like it may in fact be dead :( which I suspect is why it's also flat... come to think of it, who would want a squashed flat dead rat pillow?
That's a bit disturbing, especially as the answer is Me!!
Kitsch and Weird,
My World,
rat pillow,
unusual decor,
Queen of Hearts Mini Pullip Doll

What's not to love about this little girl?
Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass are 2 of my Favourite books from when I was small, that I have to keep revisiting no matter how old I get!
And I love Pullip Dolls, combine the two and it's a definite winner! *Grin*
I love the detailing on her dress, it is so similar to the original book illustrations by John Tenniel, I think actually that's what's attracted me to her most!
More Mushroom Rement
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image from Ebay |
Can't have enough mushrooms lol especially when they look this cool!
I have the cookies though, but not the jar, the scales, the shelves and some plates and pots, I bought them from a seller on Ebay who'd obviously had quite a few sets of this range and didn't want them all? Still I didn't complain and I got them pretty cheap too!
Just look at those little slippers too, I love love love that little Bathroom set it's adorable in the extreme!
Dolls House and Miniatures,
My World,
Mushroom Rement ... wooot!!
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image from Ebay |
This is just the coolest...I have some of these but I really want the cups and maybe some more cookies and the seat *grin*
Dolls House and Miniatures,
My World,
A Day at The Fair Rement
Vinyl Dolls Book
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Image - Twin Pines of Maine |
I so have to get this book!
Here's the blurb from Twin Pines of Maine will be added at bottom if you wish to go there and order one yourself!
The Definitive Book on the Care and Preservation of
Vinyl Dolls
and Action Figures
By Nicholas J. Hill
"I cannot emphasize too strongly how important this book is to the care of vinyl dolls — it should be in the library of every collector of vinyl dolls and action figures." Carolyn B. Cook
"No collector, dealer or fan of vinyl dolls should be without the outstanding knowledge presented. Simply a marvelous, intelligent guide in laymen’s terms! I could not put this book down." A. Glenn Mandeville
"A ‘must have’ for anyone who collects vinyl dolls and action figures, this book fills a real void in the doll world. Congratulations on a job well done!" Virginia Ann Heyerdahl
This book was written to provide collectors with an understanding of the nature of vinyl. With proper information, caring for and preserving a vinyl doll or action figure can be accomplished with the confidence that the job at hand can be done to the benefit of the patient and the psyche of the doctor. This book is softbound. More than 200 pages of practical information and more than fifty color "before" and "after" pictures.
Book costs $19.95 with $7.50 shipping and handling and $2.00 for each additional book.
( Telephone orders Call toll free: 800-770-3655
* Postal orders: Twin Pines of Maine, P.O. Box 1178, Scarborough, ME 04070-1178, USA
Cookie Monster Kewpie

Aww Kewpie & Cookie Monster...2 of my favourite things in 1 Woot!

Still available from
I think I much prefer the "sitting down" version, especially as he comes with a cookie too!
Fat Q - Kewpie

ooo dear..."pie-muncher" still never mind he'll be on the Atkins Diet as soon as I get him awww
Noooooo......Kosuke Fujii from Strapya World just mailed me to say this is discontinued *sob*
Skinny Q - Kewpie

When I get one of these I'm gonna feed it so my re-ment food it's gonna be just'll see!
Melted Q - Kewpie

For the most part these Strapyaworld Phone Charms are very UN-P.C but I can't help wanting them!
aww poor lil' thing got too hot *sob*
Kinda reminds me of that part in the Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West gets water on her!
Minnie Mouse Rement Cupcakes!
Something yummy for My Wishlist!
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Image from Ebay |
I love these they're just adorable and the little stand is so cute too!
MC Supersized (Ronald McDonald) Ron English Toys

I just love these...they're a non-scarey Version of the dreaded clown!
Please someone tell me these are for sale & where to buy them!
Hey never mind I found this on Flickr and have mailed them! woot!!
Obesity for Profit by Heath & the B.L.T. boys.
Super Sized Ronald McDonald
Missing Link
3562 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR 97255
(503) 235-0032
I did finally get myself one of these on 9th September 2009... and here he is:
Mc Supersized!!
Yay I has emo Ronald McDonald Supersized woot ...
I was hoping my mystery box had either this one or the yellow and red so I was really happy to discover him inside!
Designed by Ronald English...
He's supposed to go on a keychain but I'm not gonna do that!
Awesome little box too!
Soul Sister Doll

Susie Sad Eyes Black Version...taken from my flickr wishlist...Flickr have complained about me uploading content which is from the internet etc so I'm blogging the lot!!
Anyhoo, here's the comments this pic received...
Frenchi*Bean says: Oh I want one!! She is soo cute!! ; }Posted 4 weeks ago.
Demonic Angel 1975 Pro User says: Yes me too...only they're so rare... :( Still a girl can dream a?
Oooh I have an Idea... *** Actually, I've been thinking, I could possibly make one, if I can get hold of another Susie Sad Eyes... No way am I using my little girl!
Perhaps I'll find one that has issues and then I wouldn't feel too idiotic if it doesn't turn out right!
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