It's not exactly big but I'm happy with it!
Gluttony Living Dead Dolls Series 7 Deadly Sins. |
I've been wanting this boy for ages but seeing as he's been retired for a while now it seemed likely he'd just have to be a wish doll... until my son bought him for me for Christmas 2009!!
He comes with a knife, meat tenderizer, chopping board and Death Certificate & he has the cutest little pot belly and puke stains around his mouth too!
His Death Certificate reads:
"The excessive food and drink that he craved, Sent this butcher to an early grave. Now trapped in Hell all he can partake,
Is being force-fed rats, toads and snakes."
Living Dead doll Fashion Victims "Hollywood" from series 2... |
She was a swapsy from my truely amazing Flickr friend Kyle and came to me nude.
I have to admit tho' she was my least fav' of the Fashion Victims Series (in fact I don't like many of them at all!) Until I saw her in Kyle's photostream that is... then I just HAD TO HAVE HER!!
I don't think the stock outfits really do her justice so I'm real pleased I got her nudie cos if I'd have had her outfit I'd of made her wear it and then hated her in it!!
Jason Vorhees Friday The 13th 2009 Remake |
This little man, who I fell in love with on the first release, was a Birthday present last year from my son (gotta love a boy like that!!) The first release of these dolls just about sold out everywhere...the only places I could find them, had them for extortionate amounts of money and on Ebay they just went for mental prices ho hum... still they finally brought this guy out again last year and yay just in time for my Birthday too! *Grin*
Unlike the first edition of this doll his face mask is susposed to be unremovable (I found this out after I recieved him and tried to remove it!) I did some research as I could see he had a face underneath and after finding a few listings for this doll which said the mask comes off (one even included pic's to prove it!) I decided to contact the Living Dead Dolls manufacters and ask... my reply came very quickly by email and said nope nothing doing...not to be phased by this I got out my scapel and gave it a go anyway lol and discovered not only is it possible to take it off but he has an awesome face underneath just like in the movies!! hahaha
No Death Certificate comes with this doll.
Leather Face |
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Living Dead Doll Limited Edition Exclusive.
He was a Christmas Present from my son 2008, He's too cool! Even the box is cool it has a write up of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre synopsis on the back *Grin*
... And you just gotta love he's little pot belly & chainsaw!!
No Death Certificate comes with this doll.
Macumba |
(Full Size) Living Dead Dolls... series 4
He was missing his trousers when I bought him so I made him some new ones!!
I'd wanted this guy for a while but as he's retired I didn't think it very likely until I found a Mini on on ebay ... won it ... paid for it ... and waited...and waited.... contacted seller who returned my cash, so I gave up thinking I'd ever own one then one day out the blue I stumble upon this trouserless (but otherwise perfect) little thinking I didn't have a hope in hell and lol won!
Comes with Baron Samedi style hat (complete with human skull adornment) his own little voodoo doll, Bone necklace and a Death Certificate.
Death Certificate reads:
"Placed under a voodoo curse, It was an evil spell he could not reverse, A soul trapped behind lifeless eyes, All things alive are now despised."
Sybil & Deadbra Ann Living Dead Dolls Minis
Sybil - Series 5
Deadbra Ann - Series 2.
Deadbra Ann was my 3rd Living dead... I just love the reference to Stephen King's "Carrie"!
Sybil came much later, although I'd been after her for a while ... I just love the madness of her ... right down to her mouth foam!!
Damien, Schitzo & Anarchy Penny Living Dead Doll Minis
Damien - Series 1
Schitzo - Series 3.
Anarchy Penny - Series 4.
Damien was the first of these dolls I ever saw in 2001 and I just had to have one lol it took me 6 years to find him tho!
Anarchy Penny was my first Living Dead ... I fell in love with her before I really knew very much about these dolls so she was an absolute have to have!
I fell in love with Schitzo around the same time and was on pins for about a week waiting for them both to arrive from America!