Yesterday I decided I'd go and have a nose around The Makies Blog and I discovered that The Forum is about to be closed down! 

Makielab suggested removing any images etc that members would like to keep before the forum becomes completely unusable, so I decided I'd download the sewing patterns the team put up to make sure I had a backup in case anything happens to my hard copies.
While doing so it dawned on me that possibly not everyone with a Makie had joined the Forum and therefore may not of had access to these patterns so I decided to link to them here for anyone who may wish to use them.
Please bear in mind that these patterns come under a Creative Commons License in the words of Rikke (one of the Makielab Elves) who clarified what this means "The Creative Commons licence depicted in those circles is actually the “Attribution (BY) - Non commercial (NC) - Share alike (SA)” CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 which suggests you should tell where you got the pattern, not use it commercially and if you do adapt this pattern you must share it with similar licence (= make it a free pattern, not sell).
He went onto say: "I found that really confusing so we extracted these words from our Alice:“This license means you can’t commercially sell this actual pattern. What you make with it however - those garments are yours to do with as you wish. Have fun!”
Now I've got the legal bit out the way, onto the patterns, but before I do, a quick note...
The following images are previews - enlarging them for print may make your pattern the wrong size - below each preview I have added a link to the PDF of the pattern, I am not sure how long these links will be supported, it is possible that once the Forum is closed, these links may go along with it...
If this is the case please contact me and I'll update the links...
1) Cape Pattern for Makie Dolls:
2) Hoodie Pattern for Makie Dolls:
3) Jeans Pattern for Makie Dolls:
4) T- Shirt Pattern for Makie Dolls.
5) Dress Pattern for Makie Dolls:
The great thing about these patterns is they are all so versatile and easily adapted to make other items and patterns from, also they fit both male and female dolls with no need for tweaking :3
Oh I forgot, here's a chart stating Makie Measurements for anyone who would like to try their hand at designing their own clothes for Makie:
*** 05/09/2021 - Update ... The links to patterns are now dead, I have uploaded scans from my own copies to my Doll Patterns Blog, a link to the post can be found here.
I was able to access all of the Makies patterns except the jeans. Is it possible to make that link work?
Hi Anon,
Sorry for the very late reply, I've only just found your comment.
I've fixed the link so you shouldn't have any problems with it now, if you do though, drop me a line and I'll mail it to you instead.
Hugs, Herbs x
Hey, I'm trying to reach out to trusted make collectors to try and sell my adorable coco makie doll. Unsure if these is the right site to do so! However if anyone sees this and is interested please let me know!
None of the links to the pdf patterns work now unfortunately. I thought I had saved all these pdf patterns but can't find them on my computer. Is it at all possible for you to forward the pdf patterns to me? My email is on my blog. Hoping you see this, many thanks!
Hi Serenata,
I did have all the patterns and size chart on my old laptop and thought I transferred them to this one but as I had so many patterns it was causing problems with my CPU I had a purge some months back. If you're fine with waiting a few days I'll search my external hard drive and post them, failing that I have printed copies so I could scan them instead. I'll post them to my Doll Patterns Blog as that would be easier for me and allow others who wish to have them the opportunity to download them for themselves.
Thanks for visiting,
Herbs x
That would be wonderful Herbs, and thank you so much for replying, I wasn't sure if you would see my comment or not. Posting them to your Doll Patterns Blog too would be a great idea so that others could access the patterns too should they look for them. I am more than happy to wait, thank you :)
Hi Serenata,
No worries,I have my blog set so I get comments straight to my email, although I don't check that everyday but when i get around to it I'll find any comments left!
I know it doesn't look like I've been using my blog for a while but I have been working behind the scenes drafting posts which I'll be posting soon, sadly I'm so often sidetracked so I haven't had the chance much recently to read over things and finish up.
Thank you for being so patient and understanding, I found several patterns on my external hard drive but not of them..
I've started writing a post with what i can find and will scan the hard copies in tomorrow if I have a chance...
I'll have to store larger images and pdfs on a file sharing site and will be linking to them there, as well as a zip file of all the patterns, pdf and other and instructions I find so it'll probably take me a few days before I publish the post.
When you make your little outfits please send me links so I can be nosey!
Herbs x
That is wonderful, thank you so mcuh. I will also let you know when I make the outfits. They will be posted on my blog :) If you got to my profile you will find my email address should you need it.
Hi Serenata,
The post is now up and running..
You'll find it here:
Happy Printing and stitching!
Herbs x
Dear Anon,
Sorry, just read your message... In answer to your question; not really this is my doll / toy collection blog not a market place. However, I am intrigued... can you please send me a link to your Coco doll?
Herbs x
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