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Saturday, 11 July 2020

Living Dead Dolls Presents: The Joker

If you read my LDD Presents IT Pennywise (2017 version) you'll know that my son bought me a couple of dolls for my birthday this year... Pennywise was of course one and the other was this awesome little guy.

I first spotted his doll as a pre-order announcement email from Mezco in September last year and really wanted him, as he wasn't going to be sent out until around April this year it worked out better because Aaron bought him as a present for my birthday instead!

Before I get into talking about the doll himself, I think I should take a few minutes to tell you about my relationship with  The Joker and the various incarnations of him that have been seen in films and on TV for many years for longer than I've been alive..

My favourite Joker throughout my childhood was played by Cesar Romero who portrayed the enigmatic villain in the TV Series which also starred Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt among many others.

He played the role so quirky and silly but also ingenious in his schemes and fitted in so well with the cartoon / comic book style of the show.

Out of all my favourite Jokers (spoiler alert, I now have 4!) he is still my favourite and the only on to have played the role more than once, having portrayed the maniac villain from 1965 to 1968  and in that short time was in some of the most memorable episodes of the 3 season series as well as the film Batman: The Movie which came out in 1966.

Growing up Cesar Romero's Joker was the ultimate Joker to me but then in 1989 a new Batman film was released, and with it came a new Joker. 

This time played by one of my favourite actors; Jack Nicolson I was a little dubious at first as while I love Jack Nicolson's ability to play weird, edgy and over the top characters, I really wasn't sure how he would fare as The Joker.

I needn't have worried as when I went to the cinema to see the film, I loved his portrayal so much that I went back the next night, and the next until I ran out of pocket money and had to wait for it to come out on video instead!

Whereas Cesar Romero's Joker has a kind of childlike quality to him Jack Nicolson's Joker had a kind of Gangster appeal and along with it a vicious streak which I thoroughly enjoyed, so I now had 2 favourite Jokers, besides The Joker from the Arkham Asylum graphic novel, but I might talk a bit about him later...

Throughout the 90's I watched the new Batman films as they were released but apart from loving Jim Carey as The Riddler and Danny Devito as The Penguin, nothing much sticks out from those films, and for the most I didn't enjoy them. 

But then came the 2000's and with it new Batman films... in 2005 Batman Begins was released I found it pretty boring, except for Cillian Murphy as The Scarecrow... (I'm sensing a pattern here!)...

 Christian Bale's Batman voice was stupid and grating which didn't help, so I was really unsure about whether I was going to bother with The Dark Knight when it was released in 2008, Aaron being a fan of Batman, and wanting to see how they portrayed his origin story, convinced me to do so, and I have to say I'm very glad he did!

I'd only seen Heath Ledger in three films; A Knight's tale, Ned Kelly and Candy so I really had no idea what to expect from his portrayal, what I'd seen of his acting was a sensitivity, firmness and determination which he expressed so well in those films, but how was that going to work for The Joker?

Pretty bloody well it turned out!!


And so we come to one of the best depictions of the Joker I've ever seen... 2019's The Joker starring Joaquin Phoenix. When I first heard he was going to play the role, I again was sceptical but it turned out that once again I was very pleasantly surprised...

Joaquin Phoenix was the perfect choice to play this role, his Joker is an amalgamation of of my favourite Jokers, except much much darker and I love him and this movie for it!

Like Cesar Romero's Joker he has a silly, playful side, combined with the ruthfulness of Jack Nicholson's Joker and the psychotic villainy of Heath Ledger's Joker.

Another of my favourite Jokers just happens to be the one that most inspired the 2019 film, he is the subject of the 1988 DC Comics graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke.

Like Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, Killing Joke's Joker is also a failed comedian who has a stressful home life and after one too many hard knocks, loses his sanity and resorts to murder.

This Joker's psychosis leads him into a far more evil mindset than the other's mental illnesses do, and so his crimes are harder to forgive or even understand. 

He doesn't care if his victims are undeserving or if his crimes go way beyond retribution and are just cruelty for cruelty's sake. 

When he decides to toy with someone it isn't playful or a silly scheme like Cesar Romero's Joker or to some extent Jack Nicholson's his is a game of torture and pain.

Anyway, it's time to show off my little man now, which of course is why you're reading this so I'll shhh about the depictions of The Joker and tell you about the Living Dead version instead!

I totally fell in love with the promotional images Mezco send out for this little guy, he's so quirky looking... Although I can't decide which if any Joker he is based on.

His box puts me in mind of Romero's Joker with the addition of Heath Ledger's Joker's playing card / calling card, and the colour suit of Jack Nicolson and Heath Ledger's Joker coupled with the pinstriped trousers of Cesar Romero's Joker's outfit...with it's bright purples and greens... 

While the box has loads of Ha Ha Ha's all over it and inside a hypnotic green and purple swirl which really makes me think of the 60's tv show, 

He has the same articulation points as other Living Dead Dolls - 8 points, as he is based on the same body type used for normal Living dead dolls.

The quality of the fabric used for his outfit is really good and well sewn, so he displays perfectly either inside his box or outside.

He comes with a cute little gun, which is a mini replica of the one Jack Nicolson's Joker used in Tim Burton's Batman. 

It is moulded in it's "shot" position, showing the "Bang" flag which pops out when the gun is shot.

It is moulded in such a way so that his finger fits perfectly against the trigger and it is firmly held in place by the moulding of his hand so doesn't slip or fall even if the doll himself does!

I'm sure it goes without saying, I love this little guy and am very pleased to have him in my collection - Thanks Aaron!

Sunday, 28 June 2020

The Governor's Room ( The Walking Dead) Construction Set - McFarlane Toys

I'm sure by now you are aware that I've had a thing about Zombies since watching George Romero's Day of The Dead when I was 6.  

I couldn't get enough of the stinking reanimated corpses as they shambled along looking for human flesh to consume.

Over the years I've watched pretty much any Zombie film I could find, from Romero's other classics in "The Dead" series to the comedy horror "Living Dead's" were the corpses now are trying to consume brains as a way of stopping the pain of feeling thier insides rotting... 

To the not quite but definitely Zombies of The Crazies (and the remake) to the fast moving vicious buggers of the "... Days later" movies or the contaminated ice cream turned Zombies who have no idea they are gross Zombies from Wasted Away... I just love me a Zombie!

So it probably comes as no surprise to find out that when The Walking Dead came out I got well into it, I got hold of the dvds as soon as they came out but sadly something happened to the story along the way and I grew bored with the show, so I stopped watching it after the 5th Season.

While I found the character of The Governor annoying and felt his story ark when on too long, especially the stuff with Angela being an idiot vs Michonne; I loved it when we got to see how he lives behind closed doors, with his fish tanks full of Zombie heads and his infected daughter, Penny, whom he keeps locked away, often with a bag on her head - Apocalyptic parenting 101!

So a couple of years back, when I discovered that there was a construction set available,  which allowed you to make your own mini version of his room, well I was sold!

The box contains 292 Lego-like pieces which take 40 minutes to an hour to put together, depending how fiddly you find it.

For the most part the pieces go together easily, and it didn't take long before I'd built the base and 
placed the floor boards down..

I couldn't wait to get it finished so I could play with Penny and those  small decapitated zombie heads!

I won't lie, I did find a few bits of it quite fiddly and for some reason my fingers decided to turn into sausages, but after a few attempts, it was finished and I'm really proud of it, not only because it took a while to make but because it just looks so awesome!

After that I just had to see what it looks like with the lights off and fish tank lights and ohmyfuckinggawd it was something else again... 

I love this set, I really didn't expect the lights to bring so much to the piece, but they do - the atmosphere it takes on takes an already creepy scene to a darn right sinister one! 


The furniture and Penny are have only one peg they can fit on, sure they could be moved from peg to peg but the best and most authentic display is to place them in their intended spots.

This is the perfect set for any Walking Dead / Zombie/ Horror fan who enjoys making models, dioramas or even one who loved Lego as a child - or still does... I'm not judging, I can't resist Lego myself!

 I love this set and enjoyed making it so much that I bought another, not Walking Dead though, this time I got my hands on The Throne Room from game of Thrones, but that one has been giving me a hard time so I put it away. 

I really should start again on it soon though, I would like to see it completed, and when I do... Expect another Construction Set post!

Before I go, I'd like to add, I think this type of kit is really good for anyone who is into dioramas and also modelling, it's a great entry into the hobby, especially if you're worried about painting or gluing tiny pieces together, as it is all already done for you and you just need a little bit of hand dexterity to snap the pieces into place.

Anyhoo, that's it for now folks, so stay safe, take care, keep those masks on and away from idiots who think it's ok not to wear one, and yeah that's it!



Friday, 12 June 2020

Motorhead (Snaggletooth) Warpig - Funko Pop! Rocks Number 163.

Before I go into information about this figure, I'd like to take a few minutes to tell you about the mascot that became known as "Snaggletooth" or "Warpig" and how he came into being.

After Lemmy left Hawkwind in 1975 he formed a band called Bastard, which was later changed to Motorhead to ensure they would be able to play on mainstream music shows such as Top of The Pops - a weekly music show that ran on the BBC in Britain from 1964 to 2006, showcasing the most popular bands and songs from the weekly charts - It was a pretty big thing in it's day as it was an easy way of getting your music out to the masses and introducing new bands to people who wouldn't normally get to hear what you have to offer. 

Lemmy chose to rename his new band Motorhead, after the last song he wrote for Hawkwind.

 In 1977 the band released their first album, which was as many bands first albums are, self titled Lemmy wanted an image for the band that would become a mascot of sorts and so he contacted Joe Petagno, an artist who Lemmy met when he had done some work for Hawkwind in 1975.

After discussing ideas, in typical Lemmy fashion - over a few drinks, Joe left to go home, on his way he past by the library and decided to look few a few books to get some ideas to incorporate into the themes Lemmy had already given him; Lemmy wanted something that wouldn't look amiss on a cut off over a biker jacket and could be scaled down for a patch or up for an album cover without loosing detail and would be easily recognisable as a symbol for Bastard, and later Motorhead... 

This was a a fortuitous idea on Joe's part as he began to look through books on animal anatomy he hit on the idea of an animal skull this idea, during initial sketches developed into a hybrid creature's skull that was a cross between a canine skull, with a gorilla's cranium and huge oversized tusks from a wild boar, after adding a few more touches and ideas from Lemmy, such as the chains, iron cross, a human skull dangling from one of the tusks and spikes coming out the top of the skull; the iconic creature that would become known as Snaggletooth, Little Bastard, War Pig etc, was born.

Out of the 22 studio albums Motorhead released, there are only two that do not feature Snaggletooth on the artwork in some way. as a consequence Snaggletooth became as synonymous with Motorhead as the music itself.

Google images

He  would first appear on the cover of  Motorhead's first album released in 1977 as shown in the picture above and would continue to make an appearance on albums, t-shirts, badges, patches, and all manner of merchandise for the band over the next 40 years of the band's existence!

So it was inevitable that at some point Funko would add this iconic figure head to their line up of Motorhead themed Funko Pop! Rocks figures.

In 1982 Motorhead released thier 6th studio album, Iron Fist, which went to number 6 in the UK Album Charts, with the album came the Iron Fist Tour the same year.  

As with any tour, there was merchandise, one such piece of merchandise was a t shirt which depicted Snaggletooth as an anthropomorphic being wearing a biker jacket and jeans.

Iron Fist Tour t shirt,

It was this image that Funko decided to model their Snaggletooth Funko Pop! on, in my mind it was an inspired choice and of course, as you should know by now as soon as I discovered him, I just had to have him... And so I did!

Now I've whetted your appetite it's time to give you a look at the cute little guy, so here he is...

Doesn't he look adorable in his little box?!

The back of the box is pretty basic,with nothing to give any information on the character himself, but at the same time it's anything but plain... 

If you are a motorhead fan or know anything about the mascot you really don't need any more information, in a way this is a very motorhead thing to do, they were a no frills band in a lot of ways and very down to earth in their individual outlooks to fame and it's trimmings.

I couldn't wait to release him from his cardboard and plastic prison, so I didn't!

He's absolutely perfect and so dwt  - he stands around 4 inches tall, but because of his head he is quite chunky, although fortunately not top heavy, which would have been very easy to have done with this size head.

Because he is perfectly weighted, he can stand up by himself without fear of falling over.

Detail wise, he's spot on, right down to having a little skull hanging from the right side of his chain, and in keeping with the fact he's a Funko Pop, the skull is a "Funko shaped" skull instead of a human shaped one!

When you rotate him and view him from all angles, you can see that a lot of thought has gone into making him look as close to the source material as possible - He even has little rivets holding his back plate onto his metal skull!

I love the fact his little axe is blood stained because it should be, it is a "battle axe" after all!

Unusually for a Funko figure, he also has a lot more detail on his jeans and leather jacket than I've seen on other figures.

His jeans and leather jacket have little belt loops on the waist, the back pockets of his jeans have stitching detail, his jacket has sliver press studs to hold down the collars and zip details on the pockets and main body... He even has boot laces on his little DM's!


Because his body is moulded in the position he stands in, it isn't possible to pose him in any way other than moving his head from side to side.

All in all, I think you can guess, he is an awesome little figure and I'm very proud to be able to add him to my collection.

If I did have to pick something negative about him, I'd say the only complaint I have is that he isn't wearing an Iron Cross on a chain around his neck, which as you know was a favourite thing of Lemmy's.

Well that's it for now, I'm sure I'll something else to brag about soon!

Take care, stay safe and keep your distance!




Incredibles 2 Edna Mode Interactive Doll - Update!!

Hey everyone,

Remember on my Edna Mode post I mentioned she didn't come with her instruction sheet so I wasn't able to check out her interactive abilities in detail.
Well, I emailed Thinkway Toys to ask if it was possible to get hold of a copy so I can try her out properly and...

Today I heard back from Thinkway Toys who were kind enough to send me a copy of the "Chat List"  that originally came with this doll! Yay!!

 So I decided I'd share it here in case any of you have this doll, but don't have the instructions for her... And here they are: Interactive Edna Chat List / Instructions for use.

Hopefully in a few days I'll get time to try her out myself and upload a video of how that goes.

That's all for now.

Take care and happy playing!



Tuesday, 9 June 2020

🎈 Living Dead Dolls Presents: IT Pennywise (2017) 🎈


On the 24th April last year, I posted about my new Living Dead Dolls Presents IT Pennywise (1990 Mini Series version), you can read about him here if you'd like.

At the time I was waiting for my IT Ultimate Pennywise Action Figure by Necca (2017 version) to arrive, click the link above if you want to read about him or my IT Ultimate Pennywise Action Figure (1990 version) also by Necca who arrived on 7th May... 

In one of those posts I mentioned I wasn't into the new IT film (Part 1) when I watched it, at the time I decided I wasn't going to bother with Part 2 but I did like Bill Skarsgård's portrayal of the demented clown and that was totally true at the time, but recently something weird happened.

I was rereading IT by Stephen King and I suddenly got the idea that I wanted to see how close to the book the second film was so I watched part 2 and I really enjoyed it!

Well after that I decided I'd give the first part another go and for some reason all the annoyances I'd felt the first time I viewed it where no longer there, and I found myself enjoying that part too!

I know, right?!

There were a couple of choices they made I wasn't so keen on (changes to the story) but in the context of the film it worked really well; just don't compare it to the book or the Mini Series and you'll be alright!

Anyhoo,  as I liked the films this time around, and my birthday is this month and because I've been struggling with not being able to see my boyfriend Paul for several months now, due to the Corona Virus Lockdown Aaron decided to cheer me up a bit by giving me my birthday presents early... Yay!

The first one I opened was the Bill Skarsgård version of Pennywise and I have to say he is so cute!

His outfit looks to me to be an exact replica of the film version, right down to the feel of the fabric I had the idea that Bill Skarsgård's Pennywise was wearing. 

The style is archaic, reminiscent of Harlequinade, a form of pantomime, which was adapted from the Italian Commedia dell'arte, of the 17th to mid 19th century, which were fashionable among theatre goers in England during those time periods. 

Of the principle players of this genre the one Pennywise's outfit most resembles is Clown with his baggy breeches and ruffled shoulders, pom poms and floppy double ruffs at the neck.

Like the outfit worn in the film, the Living Dead Doll's outfit also looks old, faded and tatty. 

I like to think that this outfit is a nod to the fact that the creature that shows itself to The Losers during the films/ book is older than the town of Derry itself, and therefore when a child expresses a fear of clowns, IT being an ancient being casts it's mind back and comes up with the image of a clown from hundreds of years into the past because this is the image IT is most familiar with.

Pennywise's hair is also a nod to the clowns of that era, namely Joseph Grimaldi (one day I may tell you my family connection to him)...

The balloon is of course a more modern addition to the ensemble... Doll Pennywise holds it in the same way my other Living Dead Pennywise Doll dues, with the aid of a small peg which you push into the hole in his left palm. 

This allows you to move it a little for posing and also has the bonus that it isn't going to fall out if the doll gets knocked or something.

Inside his box is a black and white background of a street scene in Derry, complete with Police Car in which the occupants ignore the presence of Pennywise and your obvious distress!

I've posed him against it in these photo's but have just realised I should have taken a photo of it minus him so you can see what it looks like, no time for that now unfortunately so I'll have to add it to this post another time, if anyone is interested in seeing it?

His make up is as you'd expect for a Living Dead Doll, film perfect, he even has the grey lines around his hairline which resemble veins, but could actually be metaphoric for his mask slipping.

His two front teeth protrude slightly, which on a child might be considered cute but on a clown is downright unsettling!

The front of his box is pretty plain, nothing fancy and no obvious nod towards the film or book that I've noticed, unlike the 1990 Mini Series Version, which has the front of the box laid out in such a way that it puts you in mind of the covers of the video and later dvd releases.

The sides and back of his box is where it really "comes to life" with really nicely shot photographs of the doll posed like he's got plans for you.

The back reads:       " Based on the blockbuster Warner Bros. film "IT", 
                                   Pennywise The Dancing Clown emerges from the sewers of Derry
                                   to join the Living Dead Dolls family and feed on your fear!

                                  The shape-shifting demonic clown
                                   features bright orange hair
                                   and wears signature clown suit
                                   with ruffle detailing.
                                   Pennywise can hold his infamous
                                   red balloon in his left hand."

I decided to compare him to my other LDD Pennywise... At first I thought it wasn't a good idea as they began fighting... Using balloons as swords.

After they settled down I discovered a few things he has the same 5 points of articulation as 1990's Pennywise; neck, shoulders and hips.

They both are supposed to be 10 inches high, but side by side Skarsgård Pennywise is slightly taller than Curry Pennywise, a good couple of cm maybe an inch.

After the initial fight, they got on really well, perhaps too well... So I'm going to go and trap them both back inside their boxes before they decide that I'm a Loser and start coming up with schemes to scare and eat me!

Take care, stay safe, 6 feet away and don't forget your mask and sanitiser when you're out and about.
